sadhus had access to his palace. Once it so happened that the great Jain debater Shri Vimala-chandra Muni went to the magnificent palace of this king Shatrubhayankara and there at his door hung a notice challenging the teachers of all other sects to a religious debate with him.' His brother Kambha Ranavaloka, who was the governor of Gangavadi was also a patron of Jainism. He made many a grant to the Jain temples. Govindaraj too made a grant in favour of Jain Muni Arkakirti at the request of the Ganga Chief Chakiraj, who was also a Jain.
But the great supporter and patron of Jainism among the Rashtrakutas was Amoghavarsha I Nrapatunga, Atishayadhavala, who ruled from 815 till 877 A. D*. He honoured many a Jain acharyas and was the disciple of the Jain Guru Shri Jinasena, the famous author of the Sanskrit work "Adipurana." Gunabhadracarya mentions in his "Uttarapurana" that King Amoghavarsha made obeisance at the lotus
1. En. Cur.. II, 67 pp. 27-28 2. Ep. Car., IX, 17. 62 pp 44-45. 3. The Gazetter of Bombay Presy rol I pt. II p. 400. 4. Rice, Vysore and Coorg from Inscriptions, pp.
70-71. 5. Altekar, The Pashtrakutas and their times, p. 83
& 10.