Contact, with external world, Desireless activity, nature of, (mātrāsparsa), 135.
inaişkarmya-lakşaņa), 473. Contentedness, (tustı), 159. Desire-prompted, (kāmya), 74, Conviction, unsettling the, 484. (buddhibheda), 458.
Desiring Reason, (vāsanātmaka Cosmic Tree, (brahma-lrhsa), buddhi), 186, 187, 528, (ii) 630. 243-52.
Destiny, (daira), 370, 452. - Cosmos, (brahmūnda),
Development, of an argument; (ii) 651.
(upapattı, or upapādana), Credible persons, belief in,
32. (ii) 656. lāptavacana-pramūņa), 570.
Development, of Constituents Criticism, (tikā), 9,16.
! see gunotkarşa,, and ConDagobā, (dhātu-garbha), (ii) 789.
stituents). Daily action, (nitya-kurma), 74.
Devotion, (upāsanā or bhakti), Dark path, (krsna-mārga), 409.
572. Death's death, 321, (ii) 807.
Devotion, (bhaktı), 572, (ii) 744. Dedication to Brahman,
Devotion, Path of, (bhakti(brahmārpana), 153.
mārga), 89, 576, 577, 578, Dedication to Krsna,
595, (ii) 648, 649, 650, 744. ((krsņārpana), 153.
Devotion, Yoga of, (bhahtiDeities, sphere of, (amsta), 503,
yoga), (ii) 640. 504. Delusion, (moha), See Confusion.
Dharma, (Buddhist), 800-803. Desire, (esanā), 433, 444.
Dharma, ( deity), 170. Desire, freedom of. (vāsanā
Dharma, Exposition of, svātamtrya, orecchāsvā
(dharma-pravacana), 89. tamtrya), 371.
Dharma, (four-class-arrangeDesire, (kāma), 151, 452.
ment), 89. Desire, (sañga), 151.
Dharma, (general meaning), Desire, (trşņā), 134.
93. Desire, (vāsanā), 186.
Dharma, householder's, (BudDesire, pure, (suddha-vāsanā),
dhist ), (ii) 808. 515.
Dharma, (Jain) (ii) 817. Desire, to know Right Action, Dharma, (Jewish), (ii) 822. 40, 70.
Dharma, (maintenance), 90Desired, (preya), 126.158-159. Desireful Action, (pravstta Dharma, ( next-world), 88. karma), 484, 497.
Dharma, (prākrt), 93. Desireless Action, neurtta Dharma, (social meaning), karma), 484, 497.