$ कच्चिदेतच्छ्रतं पार्थ त्वयैकाग्रेण चेतसा। कच्चिदज्ञानसंमोहः प्रणष्टस्ते धनंजय ॥ ७२ ॥
3750 391 नष्टो मोहः स्मृतिर्लब्धा त्वत्प्रसादान्मयाऽच्युत। स्थितोऽस्मि गतसन्देहः करिष्ये वचनं तव ॥ ७३ ॥
MT 3911 ६६ इत्यहं वासुदेवस्य पार्थस्य च महात्मनः। ___ संवादमिममौषमद्भुतं रोमहर्षणम् ॥७४॥
In this way, the advice is over. Now, in order to find out whether or not Arjuna has properly understood this religion, the Blessed Lord asks him
(72) O Pārtha ! have you listened to all this, with a con-- centrated mind ? (and) O Dhananjaya ! has your confusion, in the shape of Ignorance, now been totally destroyed ? Arjuna said :-(73) O Unfallen One ! by Your favour has my ignorance been destroyed; and I have regained memory (of my duties); I am (now) free from doubt; I shall now do (fight) as told by You!
[Those, who have got the traditional idea that the Gītāreligion advises the Abandonment of family life, have, without the slightest justification, stretched the meaning of the last, that is, of the 73rd stanza. If we consider of what Arjuna had lost memory, we see that in Chapter II, he has said: "my mind does not understand what my
dharma' or my duty is" (cf. "dharma sammūdha cetäh"); and the plain meaning of the above stanza is, that he has now remembered that duty. As the Gītā has been told in order to induce Arjuna to fight, and the Blessed Lord has, in various places, said: "Do you, therefore, fight!" (Gi. 2. 18; 2. 37; 3. 30; 8. 7; 11. 34), the words "I shall now do as told by You", can only mean, “I shall fight”. To proceed: the conversation between Sri Krsna and Arjuna is now over; now, with reference to the narration in the Mahābhārata, Sanjaya, having narrated this story to
Dhrtarăstra, summarises his own narrationSañiava said :-(74) In this way, I heard this wonderful and