न मां दुष्कृतिनो मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमाः । माययापहृतज्ञाना आसुरं भावमाश्रिताः ॥ १५ ॥ 88 चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन ।
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ ॥ १६ ॥ तेषां ज्ञानी नित्ययुक्त एकभक्तिर्विशिष्यते । प्रियो हि ज्ञानिनोऽत्यर्थमहं स च मम प्रियः ॥ १७ ॥ उदाराः सर्व एवैते ज्ञानी त्वात्मैव मे मतम् । आस्थितः स हि युक्तात्मा मामेवानुत्तमां गतिम् ॥ १८ ॥
(15) Those fools and evil-doers, whose Jñana has been annihilated by Maya, they, being inspired by an ungodly Reason, do not surrender themselves to Me.
[The Blessed Lord has explained that those, who are engulfed in Maya, forget the Parameśvara and are destroyed. HE now describes what happens to those, who do not do so, but surrender themselves to the Parameśvara, and worship Him-]
(16) O Bharata-śrestha Arjuna! four kinds of virtuous people worship Me, namely, the arta' (that is, those who are affected by disease), the jijñasu'-s (that is, those who desire to acquire Knowledge), the 'artharthi'-s (that is, those who entertain the desire for money or other desirable things), and the 'janin'-s (that is, those who, although they are Accomplished (krtäkrtya), as they have acquired the Knowledge of the Parameśvara, and have nothing more to gain, yet, worship Mc desirelessly). (17) Out of these, that Jñanin, who is an 'ekabhakti' (that is, one, who, believing that there is no other, worships Me alone), and who always behaves like a 'yukta' (that is, with a desireless frame of mind), is the highest in worth. I am most beloved of the Jñanin, and the Jñanin is (most) beloved of Me. (18) All these Devotees are 'udara' (that is, good); but, (among all of them) I hold the Jñanin as equal to Myself; because, having become yukta-citta (that is, having his Mind united (to Me)-Trans.) he has become steady in Me, Who Am the 51-52