xvi DETAILED CONTENTS OF VOLUME 1 ananananananananaan suomi
The unfurlment of Matter—the characteristic features of (Spiritual) Knowledge (jñāna) and worldly knowledge (vijñāna)-the various theories as to the Creation of the Cosmos, and their ultimate oneness-the modern theory of Evolution, and its similarity to the Sāṁkhya theory of the 'Developing-out' of the Constituents (guņotkarşa)-an exposition of the theory of the order of unfurlment of the Constituents of Matter, or of the theory of the development of Constituents (gunotkarşavādā, or gunapariņāma-vāda )-the growth from Prakrti, first, of Discerning Reason (vyavasāyātmikā buddhi), and then of Individuation (ahamkāra)-their innumerable sub-divisions under three main heads--the growth from Individuation of eleven elements, including the Mind, in the organic world, and of the five Subtle (fine) Elements called 'Tanmātras' in the inorganic world-the reason why there are only five fine elements (Tanmātras), and only eleven subtle organs--the evolution of the Gross from the Subtle-Cosmic Tree of 25 elements The Cosmic Tree (brahma-vrkşa) of the Anugitā and the Pipal-Tree (asvattha) in the Gitā—the different Sāmkhya and Vedāntic methods of classifying the twenty-five elements-the relative tabular statement-the order given in books on Vedānta of the creation of the five gross primordial elementsand the subsequent growth of all gross objects by Pañcikarana (unifying of five)--its comparison with the Trivrtkarana (union of three) mentioned in the Upanisads—the living creation and the Subtle Body (linga-sarīra)-the difference between the Subtle Body according to the Vedānta and the Sāmkhya philosophies--the activity (bhāva) of the Reason, and the Karma of Vedānta--Cosmic Destruction (pralaya )-the period from Cosmic Creation to Cosmic Destruction-the duration of a Kalpayuga-the day and night of Brahmadeva, and the duration of his life--the contrast and similarity of this Theory of the Evolution of the Cosmos with other theories."
... p. 229-267