Sant Kırpal Singh
Ahimsa or non-injury to all living creatures, and more so to fellow beings, by thoughts, words and deeds--the injunction in this bchalf being "Injure not a human hcart for it is the seat of God " It is an ennobling virtuc that brings cach one on par with his or her fellow beings and ultimately leads to the principle of the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God The cultivation of this virtuc demands a brond development of toleration towards all, irrespective of their shortcomings and failures To radiatc the grand principle of the Family of Man on the divinc ground of loving and compassionate desire for the well-being of all, costs very little but counts very much A hcart full of divinc compassion is the abode of all virtues
Jesus always preached the two cardinal virtues (I) "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself” and (2) "Love Thinc Encmics" Docs that mean that it is out of timidity or weakness that one should love and forbear one's enemies ? No, there is something moral and divine that lies at the root of such an attitude
So, love the sinner but hate the sin Purity mainly lies in not thinking evil of others, in thought, word and deed If you think good of others, you will radiate good If you purify your mind you will purify the minds of others
Never hurt anybody We hurt others by thinking all of them We think all of others, we scheme This is worng, as thoughts are very potent When yon think all of others that reacts to them like a telegraphic wire You may not bc telling anybody anything but if you think of them, radiation is there
When one thinks evil thoughts or commits an evil deed, it strengthens the forces of evil Those who desire to belong to God should feed the sacred fire with the fuel of pure thoughts, good words and noble deeds
Any time you feel overtaken with unloving thoughts towards anybody, you should report to the Simran of names and think of the Master You should develop the Christ-like attitude So the foremost thing is not to think evil, speak