Ahimsa-Best Solution for all Problems
Dr S S Jhaveri
In the present times when there is violence in scveral places in India and in some parts of the world, the philosophy and message of non-violence have a special significance Our civilisation, which appears to be blecding today needs the healing touch of love, compassion and non-violence iC AHIMSA
To my knowledge, the greatest heritage of India and the greatest contribution of India to the civilisation of the world is the philosophy and culture of nonviolence This is a gift of India's hoary, prehistoric past to us and to the humanity at large, through the Jain Tirthankaras long before the birth of the living great religions of the world and their cthics
Ahimsa is sometimes not correctly understood even by some of the elite and is regarded as a negative term, which means abstinence from killing any living being In fact, Ahimsa is a positive virtue which bases universal love and mercy towards all living beings in the world It is most comprehensive and conducive for living a peaceful and fearless life
Ahimsa is not only for Jains but it is for all people and it is Jainism which threw open for the first time the portale of the spiritual realm to all without any distinction of race, caste or sex and all men and women are treated as equals Ahimsa is the first and over riding principle of the Jain ethical code, namely, Ahimsa (Non-violence), Satya (Truth), Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Chastity), and Aparigraha (Non-possession) Even truth comes next to Ahimsa and from Ahimsa all human virtues follow
In the case of Jain ascetics, Ahimsa covers even plant life besides all living beings Ahimsa is all pervading universal love, mercy, brotherhood and identification with nature and life It is not only abstention from violence and killing but is abstention from any kind of expression or action whether direct or indirect, whether active or passive, which causes injury in any form
Ahimsa has to be observed by all in thought, word and deed (Mana, Vachana and Kaya) If such a code of life is observed, there cannot be any kind of violence any where in the world and there will be everlasting peace and