Diseases and food.
It is very interesting to note that the diseases which affect the plants and vegetables do not affect the animals and men So if proper vegetarian food is taken, there are less chances of getting diseases But in the case of non-vegetarians the diseases that affect the animals affect the men also so by cating the flesh of animals men might contact diseases like (1) Tape Worm, (11) Trichinosis(Meningitis, Paralysis, Joint pain). (111) Tuberculosis, (iv) Joint pain (gout), (v) Heart attack and Blood pressure, (vi) Cancer of Colon, (V11) Food poisoning after consuming rotten flesh (vn) Liver fiuck etc
On the contrary, it is proved in Ayurveda that by eating particular vegetables, roots etc many discases can be cured Thus every root has got a medicinal value and we should know it
Jainism, Health and Food
The important principle of Jainism is excellent and most scientific art of joyful living Its principle right saith, right knowledge and right conduct-leads to salvation from un-natural bondages and helps man to enjoy immense and permanent happiness, strength and knowledge
It is not surprising why Jainism advocates pure and Satviha vegetarian food! The Jains emphasis on vegetarianism is based purely on a scientific approach to reality It is this food which is suitable for our anatomical structure, to the physiological functioning of different systems of body and to the development of a proper Satviha mental attitude towards purposeful living Proper vegetarian food alone helps us to have the proper regeneration of dead and dying cells, and to maintain the proper pH of blood It is the most proper fuel for our human body machine, since it helps to maintain proper harmony between body (sense organs) and mind, on the one hand, and between them and the soul, on the other
Food should not only be vegetarian but also Satyika
The Satvika nature promotes alertness, endurance and develops strength with tenacity, calmness or tranquillity Jainacharyas have advocated different kinds of food for different seasons Even among various kind of vegetarian food, one has been advised to abstain from garlic and onions for all seasons and leafy vegetables in the rainy season Further, the Acharyas have advised us to avoid a high protein diet like turdal, basan dal, as they are Rajasika in nature They have advised us not to eat stale food, because in stale food organism develops which destroy the Satvika nature of food and make it Tamasika, There are great chances even for cooked food to develop microorganisms after 6 hours, if it is not properly preserved Hence Jainacharyas have advised us to eat only freshly prepared food, and drink fresh water which is properly served, and they have also advised us to avoid eating that vegetarian food which is extremely hot, sore and fried