been seen that specific ncuro transmitters are released in the brain following the intalc of food substances Some of thcsc ncuro transmitters produce excitement in the brain neurons while others produce a sedative effect Animal mcat produces an aggressive bchaviour
During the last few years a large number of immunological disorders have been recognised Many of these diseases develope as a result of hypersensitivity to animal proteins These discascs may assume very serious dimensions and may be fatal However, plant protein is safer from immunological point of view, Hypersensitivity reactions to plant protein are relatively unknown Hypersensitivity reaction to pollen grain should not be interpreted cquivalent to dictary plant protein
Many people consider cgg as vegetarian article which is not correct Eggs fertilised as well as unfertilised have high cholesterol contents These enhance the development of atheroschcrosis which can increase the incidence of coronary artery diseases, stroke, renal failure The use of cegs has therefore also to be avoided
There is nothing nutritionally wrong with the varicty of vegetarian dict which we have in India or throughout the world The nuts and soyabcan contain high contents of nutritive cicments Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin CA perfectly constituted diet is one in which the principal ingredients are mill, milk products, any whole cereal grain or mixture of cercal grains, green leafy vegetables, nut and fruits These are the protective food items and do not cause even the remote adverse effects These protect the body against infection and discases of various kinds Their use in scientific quantity ensures physical cfficiency Alongwith protein, the vegetarian food is cheap The pattern of vegetarian diet has been in vogue in India from times immemorial and the people have maintained sound and robust health with full mental faculty and longevity
Nature has divided the entire animal kingdom and human beings generally into three categories-carnivora, herbivora and frugivora The carnivora sustain themselves on flesh food The elephant, bison, camel, horse, buffalow, cow ctc, are herbivora animals which live upon grass or herbivorus vegetation, leaves of trees etc The strength and power of some of these animals is no less superior than the carnivora animals like lion, tiger and panther Frugivora animals are those which sustain themselves on fruits or seeds The world's strongest, most enduring and long living animals are all vegetarians What to say of the animals, even the vegetarian men are as strong as mcat caters and in many cases enjoy greater endurance and stamina than those who consume non-vegetarian dict Vegetarians live longer and comparatively more discasc-free life
By the very process of evolution man was not equipped physically to be carnivora being The jaw construction of man is much different than that of the