ago by the Jain philosophers They regarded every form of energy as a manifestation of Pudgala and hence one form of energy could be interconverted into the other It is really interesting to see that whereas in the history of modern science the nature of heat, light and electricity could not be elucidated for a long time they being regarded as fluids for several centuries
The true nature of sound was also known to Jaina thinkers Unlike the other systems of thought, which associate sound with Aether or space, Jain system explains it as being due to the vibrations of the molecules This sound is further divided into musical sounds and noises The musical sounds are given different names depending upon their production by vibrations of strings, reeds, pipes, bells and stretched membranes
Matter is then thought of as made up of Skandhas (molecules), Skandhdeshas (atoms), Skandhapradesas (10Dised or stipped atoms) and paramanus (indivisible elementary particles such as electrons and the positrons) In conformity with the version of the modern kinetic and electron theories of matter, the Jain philosophy also regards elementary particles inside atom and the molecules in a piece of matter to be in a state of motion
Although the space-point technically called Pradesa has been defined as the volume of the space occupied by an atom, but it is mentioned at the same time that an infinite number of atoms can occupy a pradesa under abnormal conditions
The modern science has discovered a substance called nuclear matter, first discovered by Admas which is two thousand times denser than platinum, the heaviest metal on earth The formation of such a matter in certain stars such as the dark companion of Sirius (the brightest star in nothern heavens) can be explained in no other way but by saying that somehow a very large number of atoms have become packed in a small compass in nuclear matter Writing about the nuclear matter, the great astrophysicist Eddington once said that one ton of nuclear matter can be easily carried in a waist coat pocket
According to Valmiki Ramayana, the bow of Siva which was broken by Bhagwan Rama was 13 cms in length and was made of nuclear matter called Vajra
(4) Medium of motion or Dharira -Dharma has been defined by Jains as the auxiallary cause of motion As water helps the movement of a moving fish so does the Dharma help the motion of the matter and soul But it does not move those which are not moving It should be noted that the word Dharma in Jain cannons has been used entirely in a different technical sense here than it is ordinarily understood to mean Hindu philosophers have used this word in the sense of duty or righteous deeds only, but here the Jains mean the Aether of space, the medium of motion peculiar although it may seem It is formless, inactive and eternal It has none of the qualities associated with matter, 1 e it is devoid of qualities of contact, taste, color, smell and sound It is a continuous medium pervading the whole universe It remains unchanged by the motion of objects