The Relevance of Jainism in the Present World
Dr. Sagarmal Jain
We are living in the age of science and technology The growth of scientific knowledge and technology has given new dimensions to our life and has influenced each and every field of our living Science has done a great service to mankind by providing amenities of pleasent living and has saved mankind from many miseries and uncertainties of the primitive past Besides, it has destroyed many superstitions and religious dogmas, with the result that many of our traditional religious values and beliefs have been thrown away by growth of scientific knowledge and out-look Today we know much about the atom but not about the values needed for a meaningful and peaceful life In fact, we are living in the state of chaos Our life is full of excitements, emotional-disorders and value conflicts Thus our age is full of anxiety and mental tensions
Today what is needed for man, is mental peace and also harmony with his social environment The question is can Jaina religion meet this need of our times? My view is that it can
For Jainas, religion is the firm belief in the eternal and spiritual value of life Lord Mahavira has given two definitions of religion in the Acaranga Sutra (1) He says, Worthy people preach that the religion is mental equanimity Equanimity is considered as a core or essence of religion, because it is the real nature or essence of all the living beings including human beings In a Jaina text known as the Bhagwati Sutra there is a conversation between Lord Mahavira and Gautama Gautama asked Mahavira "What is the nature of soul and Mahavira answered, "the nature of soul is equanimity" Gautama again asked "What is the ultimate end of soul" and Mahavira replied, "The ultimate end of soul is also equanimity" Acharya Kundakunda also equated the word 'Samaya or Samata' with svabhava or essential nature of soul, further he also explained "Svasamaya or Sva-svabhava as the ultimate goal of our life" Thus in Jainism, religion is to realise mental eq uanimity which is the essential nature of man This enjoying of one's own essential nature means to remain constant in Saksıbhava or Drstabhava It is the state of pure knowership or subjectivity In this state the consciousness is completely free