from the view point of the Digambara Jaina community, is current exclusively among the South Indian Digambara Jains only But it is necessary here to note that the Jina-sasana Devatas are never considered on par with the Jinas, and that the honour accorded with Arcana to them is just an affectionate treatment similar to the treatment accorded to Sadharmı Atithis or coreligious guests The honour accorded in this way is termed as 'Sodsopacara' The process of puja shall be concluded with a Mangalaratı succeeded by Santidhara, accompanied by the recitation of Santimantra, wishing peace and tranquility to one and all, and finally followed by Purspanjali Thereafter the worshipper shall take to the Kayotsarga posture and shall recite Bhakti pathas viz, Siddhbhakti, Caityabhaktı, Pancagurubhakti, Santibhakti, and Samadhibhaktı Afterwards the deities who were invoked to render their service in the performance of puja shall be requested to go to their own abodes Thereafter, all the persons, who shall have partaken with the performance of puja shall take the Gandhodaka, 1e, sandle-paste-water, that shall have been colleted in a vessel at the end of the Abhiseka performance, and sprinkle the same on their heads with devotion and there ends the performance of Nitya Puja or daily worship Apart from this daily worship there are also special pujas and Aradhanas which are performed on special occasions such as Astahnika and others
The night that passes out, It is never to return again, The night passes in vain for one, Who acts not according to Law,
If the wealth of entue sphere, Be bestowed lavishly on a man, Even then he is not happy, Difficult it is contentment to attain
Professor and Head Department of Post Graduate Studies and
Research in Jainology and Prakrits University of Mysore
Mysore (Karnataka)
Uttaradhyayana, Chap XI 24
Uttaradhyayana, Chap VIII 16