strongholds or Jains from the lcginning, remainly cgetarian In fact, it is admitted that is a result of the activities of the Jainas for the last so many contu. nos Ahimsa still forms the substritum of Indian character as a wholu Political Life
The lainns also distinguished them clics in Riving their instinted reports for the improiement of political and economic life in the countri The Jainas especially in Southern and Western India. produced a large number of eminent and cllicient monarchs, ministers, and generals and thereby contributed 10 maintain and improve the political conditions of the people Not only the ordinary Jninas but their suinis or Achan is ako arded matchilly to create the proper political chuironment necesary for the resuscitation of life in the country Ils considered that due to the Icon interest talen by the Jain Saints in political affairs of country, Jainism accupies an import in place in the histor of Indu. The Inint saints were never indifferent towards the sccutir el 1rs in general So far as Kornutah. was conccncd Jainism, through its counc of one thousand Caps Nan cumple of religion which hosed that religious foncts were pricescd without sicrificing the political exigencics cn the question of rejuvenating life in the country was at 471c That sh in Karnat. uc find that the Jain. Acharyas cessed to be mcrcly exponents of dogmas but they turned themches also into the creator of Kingdoms Jt us well known that the Jain" Acharyds were virtually responsible for the founding of the Gang: hinsdom in the 2nd century AD ind of the Hoyrala Kingdom in the 11th century AD
Honorary Director Shahu Rosoorch Institute Shivaji University Kolhapur (Maharastra)
The men of noblest mood pass their time in learning the middle sort pass their time in the cnjoyment of good things the last and lowest cry' 'Our food is not sucer 'We're not got our fill,' and in angry mood he sleepless
Nadaliyar, 366