General Subjects, Authors, and Works
Ấcārānga-sutra, 115 Adler, 67 Affirmation, 131 Agent, 57 Aggregation, 121 Agnibhūti, 61 Akalanka, 50 Analogy, 89, 92, 107 Anaxagoras, 14 Anaximander, 14. 40 Anaximenes, 14, 40 Anti-thesis, 121 Anuyoga-dvära-sūtra, 23 Appearance, 7 Apperception
Synthetic Unity of Pure, 5
Transcendental Unity of, 5, 9I Application, III
defined, II2 Aristotle, 14 Association, 73, 124 Atom, 32, 40, 69
cause, 32
effect, 32 Attainment, 103 Attribute, 42 Authority, 89, 90, 105
definition of, 113
two kinds of, 113 Avaśyaka-niryukti, 49 Awareness, 46
Canon, 22
description of the means of congnition in the Jaina, 89 theory of knowledge in the
Jaina, 85 Cārvāka, 20, 40, 53, 61, 92 Causation, theory of, 116 Cause, and effect, 116 Clairvoyance, 95
nature of, 95, 96
six types of, 97 Cognition, 49
conditions of, 104
non-perceptual, 105 Colour, five kinds of, 68, 144 Combination, 68 Conclusion, III
defined, 112 Confusion, 132 Conscious activity, 49, 103 Consciousness, 9, 10, II, 13, 20,
25, 43, 44 as the essence of soul, 53
definition of, 45 Contraction, 60 Contradiction, 131 Contributory part, 123 Co-ordinate, 74 Co-valent, 74 Critique of Pure Reason, 5
Being, 93
classes of, 142 Berkeley, 2, 4, 5 Bhadrabāhu, III Bhagavati-sūtra, 21, 27, 89, 115 Binding, 142 Bliss, 85 Body, 77
five kinds of, 142 Bondage, 37, 56, 146
causes of, 148-151
four kinds of, 135 Bradley, 6, 7, 22 Buddha, 9, 10 Buddhism, conception of knowledge in, 91, 92 Madhyamika school of, 8, 9 Vaibhāşika and Sauträntika
schools of, 20, 25 Yogācāra school of, 9
Darkness, 83 Dark ray, 83 Decay, 23, 24, 59, 114 Delage, 67 Democritus, 15, 40 Descartes, 14, 65 Determinate cognition, 46 Determinate perception, 104, 105 Determination, 91
three kinds of, 90 Dialectic, Jaina, 121 Difference, 24, 25, 131 Dissociation, 68, 73 Divisibility, six kinds of, 83 Division, 73 Doubt, 132 Dream, causes of, 66 Dualism,
epistemological, 14 ontological, 14