Lord Mahāvīra and His Times
Petavatthi ... : Ed. by J. MINAYEFF, PTS, London,
1888. Samyutta Nikāya. : Ed. by Leon Freer, PTS, London, 1884
98. Indexes by Mrs. Rhys DAVIDS; Lone don, 1904. Eng. trans. (Book of the kindred sayings or Grouped Suttas) by Mrs. Rhys Davids and F.L. WOODWARD,
PTS, London, 1917-30. Sutta Nipāta
: Ed. by D. ANDERSEN and H. SMITH,
· PTS, London, 1913. .... Eng. trans, by. V. FALSBOLL, SBE, Ox
-ford, 1898.Ed. by. Rahula Sankrityayana,
Rangoon, 1937.. Therz-gatha : Ed. by H. OldenBERG, PTS, London;
1883.Eng. trans (Psalms of the Brethren) - by Mr. Rhys Davids, PTS, London,
1913. Thera-gāthā Ed. by R. PISCHEL, PTS, London, 1883.
Eng. trans. (Psalms of the Sisters) by
Mrs. Rhys Davids, PTS, London, 1909. Udana
: Ed. by P. STEITHAL, PTS, London, 1886. ...Eng. Trans: by D. M. STRONG, London,
i 1902. Vimanavatthu : .:.Ed. by RAHULA: SÄNKRITYAYANA, Ran
goon, 1937. 5 . Vinaya Pitaka .: Eng. trans. (Vinaya Texts) by T. W.
Rhys Davids and H. OLDENDERG. SBE, Oxford, 1881-85. Tr..by RAHULA SANKRITYAYANA in Hindi, Mahabodhi Sabha,
Sarnath, 1935.
.(b) NON-CANONICAL Dhammapada Commentary Ed. by H.C. NORMAL, 5 Vols. PTS,
London. 1906-15..
. Eng. trans. (Buddhist Legends) by E.W.
BURLINGAME, 3: Vols. HUS. Cambridge, ..".
. Mass. 1921... Dipävařśa .......: Ed: and trans. by H: OLDENBERG, London,
........ 1879.