deeds, follow the Law and have compassion on all creatures.1 Man's life is transitory and precarious. He finds no delight in domestic life. Pleasures bring him only a moment's happiness. But suffering for a long time brings intense suffering and no happiness. Pleasures are an obstacle to the liberation from existence, and are a mine of evils.2 The soul cannot be apprehended by the senses because it possesses no corporeal form ; and, since it has no corporeal form, it is eternal. The fetter of the soul born of our evil deeds is called the cause of worldly existence. Being ignorant of the law, human beings formerly did sinful actions, and through their wrong-mindedness, they could not enter the order. Mankind is harassed by death. He who has acquired righteousness may look upon death as his friend.3 Faith will enable him to put aside attachment. The pleasures he enjoys cause the continuance of his worldly existence.5 One should be cautious in this matter. He should learn the law thoroughly, practise severe penance, and never dissipate his energy."
Lord Mahavira and His Times
Through the possession of true knowledge, through the avoidance of ignorance and delusion, and through the destruction of love and hatred, one arrives at deliverance which is nothing but bliss." One should serve the Guru and the old teachers, avoid foolish people, apply oneself earnestly to study, and to ponder over the meaning of the Sutras. A sramaṇa who engaged in austerities longs for righteousness should cat only the quantity of food allowed, should select a companion of right understanding and should live in a solitary place." If he does not meet with a suitable companion, he should live by himself, abstaining from sins and not devoted to pleasures.10 Love and hatred are caused by Karma which has
1. Uttara, XIII, 31-32.
2. Ibid, XIV, 13.
3. Ibid, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27.
4. Ibid, 28.
5. lbid, 47.
lbid, 49.50.
7. Ibid. XXXII, 2.
S. Ibid, 3.
9. Ibid, 4. 10. Ibid. 5.