Had hey ia adition une ou ly Critish people, the choice between voice to speak of patriotism and
deset up and located the whole liberty and empire. The two are its duties, the liberty of the person wople, w the fruits of that good incompatible except by the substi- i held on a tenure which is worm Karmt would have gone to Eng. tution of free federation for than precarious. Rumeur in Mtrong mul. Rut the education they Hominion. Rome was offered the that a case for my deportation has hwae given in brud, me igre axl res. chotoe. She won an empire and been submitted to the Government trict to the few, and their rym- lost her liberty. Fetemal expon by the Caleutta Police and neither
y for the powple has been Rion has always been nocompanied the tmnquillity of the country no formal and deficient. In onsely concentration of internal the scrupuluun legality of our quence the main ful of the new power in King or oligarchy. Athens, procedure guinnitee Against thought and knowledge bas been the only people who attempted the contingeney of the all-werful diverted to Americn, the ginnt of the imperial nul despotic about fiat of the Government watchdogs the future, which alone of the na- and denwertie at home, brke silencing serules on the part of Finns hos shown an action and tracti down in the attript. In English those who advise at Simin. Under lin't synpathy and understanding of history nin w find that the grent such circumstances I have thought ur nation. British karma in Inlin expansion in the righteenth century it w«!l to
m e this Better to the has been din no for its it has lel to the reactionary rule of the conuintrymen, and especiaily to this detruge or industries and arrest third George and it was tint till who profor the principles of the
ur national development. Thin England after the revere lesson in Nationalist party, in the beds of Karena in ni beginning to recoil, America mlopted her present co- the premt ind the pricy of the
atently in Bayent and unront, lonial system that expansion and futur In eum of my deportati in much more subtly in the growing democracy went hand in hand. it mny help to guide home whe demoralisation of British politics. That system was not an imperin! would be inertnin of their car Alrwly the jealous love of liberty wyntem but loose collection of of action, w, if I do not retum Ilwinning to wane in the upper free states only Dominally united from it, it may manns my las vlasy in England political think. Ivy the British Crown. The politioul will and testinient to my en are emerging who nnnonce the Indian problem is the tont of British countrymen. failure of de Crucy, the doctrine Liberalism. The colonial system The Hitution of the Nationalist of the rule of the strong man is na it stand cannot obtain between party in difficult but not im ille guini ground and the temptatinn two Statos which are not mother
The idlen of me that the ato to strengthen the executive at the and daughter. The one would not in extinct because it lender
of the liberty of the citizen tolernte it; the other would not sentenced or reported in all our in proving too werful even for 11 be content with it. But if England which comes of looking only ! Rulal Government. It ons can bring herself to extend in
the surface. The party is that supossible that eren & veiled dos A differnt form the principale bet li pwerful nu purvailing potism or a virtual oligarchy should of collection of free States ! than before, but in want of a per
ver again rulo in England, yet Inulin, she may keep her and lever. The first it ICA stranger things have happened in position in the world and her fil the second orly Cuch give history. The change may come by liberty together. Despotie Empire it. All grott montent wait for the growth of Socialisin and Rnd liberty she cannot kep; she their Gudent leader, the willing shasizure of the doctrine of State must rither yield mphsolutism channel of His form, and ul:
espitinin by masterful and ninbit- abrond or renounee lilwrty at home when he comes forwar! 1 mins to clonkan usurpation
triumphantly to the fulfilment the incient ani known forts of which AN OPEN LETTER TO MY The men who have lol hithert. wald not be tolerator, just as the
hase lwn strong mes of high Cumarx, while Avuiling the detsted
gifts url Autumnulรรม • faux, แ: name and form of kingship, yet The positive of public
enough inan
the protagonists ruled Rome under the harmless who does his duty in Indir todas
anywherevement, but I title of Princup and Imperator, in precarious to permit of his
they were not Mufliciens to full tirst man of the Minto and ginn,
which is the chief current of being sure of the morrow. I have lar moru despically thin Tarquin
worldwide recently come out of a year's welu
evolution. 7. could have done. l'ruder whatever Hinn from work for my country on
the Nation mity, C int visguincs tho change inny stal charge which there was not
w the futtens must wait for the
smp upon tho people, one thing is curtain of reliable evidence
inan who is to come out to support
in l. that if lord Morley and the Anglo- but my acquiturl is no necurity
midst of calamity, bepuluh Inlinn, proconsuls succeul in porque either against the trumping up of
d-font, sure of eventual city tuating alulittiin in India, it will fresh accuestion of the arbitrary
anci triumph and always windful of trail from India tranqurt Eng. law of deportation which dispers
the responsibility which they ... land. The Nationality of this coun with the inconvenient formality of not only tu their Indian iturit try are fighting not only for the
charge and the stiil more inoon but to the world liberties of India but for the liber- venient necessity of producing evi- Meanwhile the icon. tien of England.
dence. Expocially with the hounds our situation ask for i t Liberty or Empire
of the Anglo-Indinn Press barking wary walking. The strength of our It is an ancient and at our heels and continually ola- position is moral, not material. The perpetually recurring choice mouring for Government to remove whole of the physical strength in the which is now being offered to the every man who dares to raise his country belongs to the established