As gandhawine
. ..
Our new province is to be congratulatAND
ed upon having secured the marriers of PHARMACEUTICAL
INDIAN PAPER MILLS Mr. R. I. Proudluck, (urator of Carles
Despite the exintence of paper mills in and Purke on the Nilgiris, who has alWORKS.
India, the yearly importa of per of all vibe the Government of Rebay upon Horts are very Inrge and rapidly increasing prospect of rubber cultivation in the
'The importa figere for the last five years, West Coast of that Presidency. He pe No. 1, Hogal Kuria, Simla P. O., for example, have been in lakhs of rupeer, ed through Maulas last Welne day, oh 32.18, 04.37, 70-44, 0.11 and 93.24.
ultin, on his way here, our new sette CALCUTTA.
ment luxving requiritioned his mervices LAHORE EXHIBITION.
for this l'rovince, with a view, we pr The entiratril T C of the forth. wie, of him wujrintending its cultiv coming Lahore Industrial Exhibition
tiunt of rubber. Mr. Proullek having amount to three lakh. The Municipal rendered much good wrvice in another
runt in RM. 10,0, pullie mulrip Pichidery, we are wuri hin m ice Amount to l. 3.(KN), the lead river be kreat value in our New I'rovinc. ment cient in bolakh R. 25.000) M
E. B. and A. Eru." ted from the Frutier (invernment and it like amount fruin the Kashmir inte RIVAL BUSINESS (ONPANIES.
In the tniclut of the prevailing excitaBURMESE PONIES
went caused by the cutablishment of the Wellknown vgorang tonic of | Sanction low been given to the mullition Truling and Hanking Corporation HOPE hudy und mind. I has been recogf ejnity Muperintendent w the tab. Ovunterpeine to the Jesseure lan ham Lised as the best tonic alterutive lihtnent of Civil Veternary Department any, et auther Cmopany with a capital Nervouy debiliy Exhausio, L
in Burma in connection with pony breed Rw. 00 bas been recently botted at
ing in the province. The where unten. Je Hure under the naine and wtylus of the of Memurs. Bruinfay. Dimness of
pilates the purchase of twelve Slun talli United Banking Corporation. The United night, Confusion of Ideas, losof ons, of which eight will no located in lan Banking Currention burn to the Tinding Vigour, Nervous heanche, palpitu States and four in Burm. The syurs and and Breaking in puration the rame relativt tion of heart, Mentul prostration,
- La Mantul imtinn there be employed under the whereas the Intter to the loan Gampany. 1 Gjenem sleeplessnesy ste.-- oz.
will receive six months' training in the capital of this thin company is dividel Army Blount Department.
into 25,000 shares of Rauch, it actre phial Ro. I Dozein R4 11. Pound
Ted Banker wing the JC LANE Rs.3-8
pathy, La "The tablishment of the new Experienta in grandi cultivation rival trading ladin lus caused an amount in 1904 aru i porter to have given god of excitenant will b e ali IOH at all levertinent Agricultural It has given in te brink and healthy Slations in Eastern Hengnl And Awun.ompetitim.
The Experimenta are lwing ruptul this Apulent remerly for habitual consyear on a womercial oud with view to
TONY BREEDING. the introduction of this pop into the Pro- Reviewing the port of my breeding tipution, rough gont rheumatism
vinco. No high of Jie is waid to havo erutions in Madiwy, the Board of Rp Mortos bisouses and piles. "Thoppeurd
In appeared any where last year, with the nue that it is highly desirable in best nervine unic sulministerul in doubtful exception of Rangpur.
the pulile interest to mitinue pony convalescent state. 4 oz. phinl Re. 1.
breeding operations for another period of Duzun Rt. II. Rs. 3-8 Per p»und.
three years at least before shendoning
AVINO , 1.0.- exteriment agrilar Pour the We have rrived a copy of the Propec
revulla of Minording ho been in the this and Bulano Shut of thu above
fant, it is thelch a fact that they Company, which was started early in
have tribute preully to the 14, 11 out of the swadeshi moveAn ideal combination of lodised
Haintena de ponent of an im ment, for the purp of luenufucturing Sarpurilla with gold. The best on a large w e
portant and usul 14 of animals the
better class of woulen rensedy for all sorts of vouerial poison
jutkn poni in at least a tow localitier. which ll hitherto been turned
Tba Barl is aanlungly luath to re and ricurial wint in the blourd. 4 out loymune tuills in Upper India, which
commend the pension of operations u phial Rx. 1-19. Dezen 24, 20. ar to all purp pure European cott
without further til The Madras Pound Rs. 6-8. CFO Starting with a capital of
Government 2ks that of more care Rx 50,000, the Company was able t?
wetu .. . of officers for establish its factory and entonce manufacturing wintions. They muid a
the age of the station better results tight
L i ned. The registration of dition of per cent from the begin.
N D HUR exted. ning. The work has been gradua ly expending and as a result, the capital of
. .. the Company has been raised to RA 200,000. The value of cach xharu in
TRIUMPH OF Rs. 95 and payment have to be made by It is used sucefully in Acidity
monthly instalment, ho that all clanca
of an buy them. Its manufactures, Indigestion and diarrhoed. Vory con
Sensation in the venient for Motusmil Thabitants have clicitol tbe praise and admiration
larket. !!! 3 . phial An. 8. Dozen k .54.
Ceven of competent and critical Judges ; the company line also been the recipiunt
t k chaddams (sheets) Complete catalouge went five : of tonals at veral
1 3 yar "Pinches of oxtra quality
exhibitions. Aa R application
Rs. 6. ; ote u 8 . inspection of heir goods at their cal
les rom 7 to Rs. 50. outi Dopt at 19, Tallazar, show that A
A SILK COMPANY SNR. there is tothing left to desire in their
*-- Stam But ne anl Cai, while the prices ar
Str. aderate inot cheap