M 1
wrmes A large number of workPeccal the poor the anotare
stored when Matohen menu having weted Abdebed with lotnobared there a largely roll in the town
that they wdvanlig i to be hard tilt, while a good quantity in went to Sou(Trom the Dewa) . INTRODOCTORT.
where, while we pudiendly stalint bora theria India. The watta match-wood grow
This wortabop la Bepul vould cont plentifully in the woody hills of Peach We have described in part detail in a lot Be 19 000 to quip but Mahal, but the Railway traight pate
De previoon numbers, the growth Ahmedabad with so many will working worlously diminish, the profit. A EUthe Textite Sudesh in the Presideway there to no Deowity of wetting up excloropre expert hu been engaged for the
Bomby which w w otiond, though dively for the new enterprise. We factory under whom management the threatened in ita Chine market, han understand the dhotia, marios, mulla oto, quality of the match manufacturd been stendily gaining pound in the tarbed out by the "Sre Ram-Krishna how greatly improved home (Indian) market, thanks to the Mine tollent in quality up to the All these Match-facterior, if they pron growing expansion of the Badenbi
to be eventually woponatul, will not only Movement in India. For the rich Bom
The Decorn Match Maputoturing Com bo able to put stop to the foreign Way Mill-owner, uamindful of the dopropany-This Company w launched orly annual dmin of about 66 lakhs of rapon mion abroad, has been to quite the London in the beginning of the current yor at from the country, but will be an objectThe busy increasing his spindles And Satan Bulldinge having been roured lenson to other provinces which have not looms and calculating als well-earned prodt ready-made st Kard, and machinery all yot taken to match-manufacturing on in alle and comfort, under the blowing Atted op operations have already been truly proper sale of the Swadeshi-Beyoott Movement begun on and woulo. Match-wood, CUTLERY, BRABS-WARE, ETC. Not only thin; but there he been mateh-boxes to, und bere being of good The Peokar Cutlery Co, Ld. - Thinlong. viable marked andeavour on the part quality, the matches are said to burn standing Factory has been turning ont d.the capitalista to launch forth many teadily and carily
various kinds of knives, Muson, solsson, atbar concerns in the Industrial and The Karnatak Match-Tactory, Dharate, which may favourably be compared commercial lines .
ww.-This Potory w started worly with imported articles, both in roepoet of To give our readers en account of the year ago Dharwar. The letytato
quality and price. The manager is Mr. maay-sided activities shown by the manufactured in the ingly A mid to Monohar who received his training in people of the Western Providency we burn steadily and the fourl get-up of burn standily and the
London give the following brief account of the the boxes a good.'
Among the fourishing hand-industrien many industries that have of late sprung The Western India Matoh Works This
in the department, may be wentioned wp there, this account, however, including Company has been recently started at
spear-heads of Ahmednagar, hunting. RO information about the growth of Bombay with a capital of lakh of rupee
knives, swords and chain Armour in industries in the Natire States in the divided into 4,000 share of Ra 90 euch
Outch, Kathiawar and Barda, bras Presidency. We may add here that we Mouans D. B. Chitti, 14,LLB, Ragha
ware of Nasik and Poone, and bra are collecting materials for an indepen- vayye, 180, LL, XV, Athley, LA, and
utensils of the Bombay city and of Ahmeddeut article on the latter subject, which G.N. Potdar, BA, (Chemical Engineer) are
abad. .. duo ourse, will be published in this on the Directorate, while Mont. Ram.
STOAR-MANUFACTURER journal.) chandra & Co., are the Managing Agency.
There is one sugar-factory at Ako The special merit of the Company is that MATCH-MASUTACTURE
(Belgaum which en taken up here This industry has been taken up here
is onducted two of the oficers on ite Managing Agen
Mon. Kulakarni and C., on the Hadi more carnestly than in any other cy have the qualification of having done
principle. province of
The sugar manufactured here India. The following practical work in large Match-Factories in Japan, while Mr. G. N. Potdar, As, who
is wid to have excelled imported wagar in . brief socount of the factories started The Belgaum
taste. is on the Directorate is spessod Chemical Match-Manufacturing -
The rugar-factories at Kolbour, BridThis Company ve started rookatly at Engineer from the Imperial University of
dhlhal and Hudli bave up-to-date machiBelgaum with a capital of Ra
Tokio, in Japan. Some other salient feat 30,000
perion. The total annual out-put is worth divided into 1200 shares of Ra 25 each
ures of the Company are (1) the manufac
turn of the chemicals required for the pur." The Secretaries of the Company are 8
about Ra. 00,000 Vaman Appaji Nilajkar and 8 Balleri
pome of which Laboratory Workshop is! LEATHER AND PARA MANUYAUTURBO abna Harl Khataw, both of whom learn.
about to be erectod; (9) practical help! There are several leather factorio in ed the industry in Japan. The wood
given by responsible Goveratuent Format the city of Bombay. There are also ward is obtained from the same locality.
Omloors with regard to the proper site, others in the Presidency - 8, foc The matches manufactured there
wood, eta, (3) murnace of 6 pc, dividi- tory Navasari (Burat) two in the have already been placed on the market
dont to shareholders and (1) the oppor Native State of Owalior, namely, Sindhis The office Company to 603 Adibwar Peth,
tunity given to the rich and the poor slike Leather Factory and the Mortor Tangery: Belgaum.
keeping the value of each share at Rs 90 also recently started Chrome' tanning only.
factory, in the State of Baroda, allowing • We omitted to give a our previous The Gujarat Islam Factory of Ahmade their birth to the Swadahl Movement Mounts of the Indian Textile Industry
Textile Industry I had
bad-This Factory, though started or this story thouch atted
The hand-made leather industry, too, . morence to Bengali Mal enterprise her than thow tutioned'abon, denervo bm undergone great development during M Ahmedabad, in the shape of the "Bremention here. It has excellent machinery,
the last fow. FAM. Among articles of Ramkrishna Muh" of Ahmedabad Indenied from Germany, which the leather work are wddle cover, shoes,
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