We are accustomed to think of the that great work w written by band. On Viharte Eight and
roerved for Dutt Aotale de ville uf Belgiuni m the crown of hirteen, they do not occur as wl. Evi.
gamini. Ho therefore, contested hir the world's communal architecture. But self by merely raising stone pillar wit dently the founders were too early, or too
Belgiui ho Dothing, for simple unity wor.to indulge in such olaboration. Chai.
the usual inscriptiqn on it recording h and mastery, to compare with this. It tya Number Ten had timber front,
pious wil. Duttagamini, who roka dominate # mall court, from which which has fallen away and leaves no trace
over Ceylon between 161 and 137 BC
ale step would precipitato one down fit ietuiage or liteners, mave in the panela
meditating," the Chroniclo puta steep Ahul. Obviously the style was not kulptured in the rocks on either side.
on the tradition that had come down ipvontad for such prition ! Here, hhet stuBor Ap-whoe ornaments do not
hin from Tissa's time, caused a search 1 at a thounsod nther point, Ajunta inerely be made in bio place for the record cor together cenar, till efter (av Nineteen.
reflects the life of Indix, during one of taining it. Ho fonnd, it is recorded, At Art they are frankly windows in
the greatest periods of her hintory. (avo. Vade an inscribed golden plate, an heusfronta. In Cave Nomber Twelve,
Nineteen remains, carved in imperiuhthey are to suggest uned fan-light over
there on ho read : “Hereafter, at t! the cell-doors, and run rivand the walls,
able rock, when all the buildings of its termination of one hundred and fift: connecting one with another, in simple
day bave disappeared, menorial of the Mix (7 forty-six) oars, the monar dignity. In vry Sir, Seven and Fil p lendour and restraint of Indian cities
Duttaganini, son of Kakavarana, wi tren, we find the pieces filled with lotus
during the ages of the clupta rule. Countruct auch and such edifices in suc pattern, and the semicircular opening
Nivedita of RK-v. and much manner." Overjoyed at thi no longer has a definite meaning. They
( The Vodern Review: )
he resolved on the construction of th arn no longer windows. They are now
stupa aud intimated the maine to th only dervrative On the facade of Chuve BUILDING AND DEDICATION
priesta. "I will build for you," bo sa Niortern, foreign influences are at work,
** place liko unto the place of the Devas
OF STUPAS. A horrible vulgarity has come over the
and won carried the proinine into etfe workmen, Atrictly comparable to the de
Br C. HATAVADANA RAO, BA by building one in the Mahamegba ga
- - - - grading effects of European taste on In
den and presented it in due volerunity 1 inn etufts today. Each of these 0 The rovent discovery of the great up the priesta. He then meditated in tl Luantiful wutline in pow filled with built and connecriited by Kanwhk, the construction of the stupa. The divi hideous grinuing face, altogether mean. gtrat Buldbiet Erupes; nt Pesbewar, Architect, Vishwakarma, kot ready tl UKIP44. Vrom the chequer-work which
cannot, I think, bo adequntely under bricks NOUORARTY for it, for the king wa recut here again and again, (an Orna- toud, under laymen PONOSN one know. unwilling to exact forced lxhour from ment
amongst the lanilhara lodge of the methach adopted in older subjets ( which apparently was unul Nulptures, in the Calcutta collection), it my in India and (aylon, in the build- uch matters), the more 30 as they wer is clear that these influence have come ing and dedication of pr. An excelyut suffering from the war wagod for th fron the torth-west. They are princihly lent description of one of the many deci Subjectwn of the Tamils The founda Grork, as transmitted through Persin. cation ceremonies that took place in those tives were formed of round som There had been t reat rapprochment Ancient days is fortunately left to us in brougbt by sklern, well-beateu dow between India and Persin in the course the Caylonuse National Chronicle, known with founders and trudden down of the fifth century, and no where is the in the them. Whistever may be enormou elephants whose loot we rade uplularining effect of the West on the historical worth of this great work, protected in leather Cell. Above it wa Incantante better illustrated.
it must undoubtedly lo held to give Ac- gada Inyer butter-like clay from Sat. Yet where in the wober, Nynthotining
le in the aber. Nynthetiming curato particulus of ceremonial matters tapinutka, and over this clay, were su power of the Indian itelleet tnore vini- Nothnt scholars can have little hesitation cussively placed bricks rouglicemen I... Tu spite of its verticism of detail, in accept these particulats from it,
kurnoindu tonch, an iron network, hvor All thing romantician in the treatment the tuto when they have the wldition incense brought by tho priests fru of N e uloje ta, Nineteen at Ajunta merit of explainin the minuto detarli muavanta, Phutika atones (ptatito ni muins one of the architectunil triumphalid hare in the opening of it, and
and, tinally, # course of common stuur + the world. It is the very flowering sometimes ( ut Sanchi) in enabling
Then came, successively again, plates point of krent civic life. The strong them to understand the various scenen
brug eight inches thiek eubedded on porch, brought forward on two solid pill.
id pull pictured in the bus reliefs. The building temont tumulo of the gum of the Apelth ATH, Auxgent the presence and words of Dce atid words of and dedication ceremony w Apparently
tree, diluted in the water of the aina thu leuior of ten thu xide-galleries, and wair, if we live the red coconutplittes of silver weven inch twir nupirters and attendant ; while
account in the Jahat of kiug Dutta thick and welcatuil in verundion All w the will of the greit window behind
gamini'w erection and consecration of the tundu in Hanoil. We levP room N Luck- und for the ahosting thing, or the lying-in-tate
Mahathip Nonnawi Ceylon. It is! Thu m arch then prepared binnelf uf the dead
clear from it, that wben # wealthy or lay the foundation, which was apparenti powerful persuu undertook to build
u imposing an affair when it is ton stupu, he first rained a pillar ou the spot,
On the ebonen day he caused the pries itincribed with a record of his intentions. boud to be Assembled, and addressin ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA This pillar was afterwards Oulu vod, thelu, said: "Revored Lord ! imti Founders of Steel Trunk Industry whon the buildiug of the stupu was ac. tivo of the coustruction of the gret
Chitya, I shall to-morrow lay the fest tually commenced. "The Raja Devana. in India
pujn Timna, who begee bis ruign in 940 val brick of the citice; lot all our price ESTABLISHED IN 19
B. C.. wished to raise a stupni va a spot hood assemble there." He further pa In Machine made, Stove painted.
consecrated by teachings of Buddha. claimed: "Let all my pluus subject STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES But he was warned by the illustrious provided with Buddhistical utlering, ML FACTORY :Mahinda to refrain from doing no, b us
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