- Mahabharata, Haribasm, the Purana, the strong otimute of torowa bodk moral kindi
r Ramayana, and the stake of birth and material it stop in the deat, or w ith toplita Memo y stories forming one of the Buddhist canon von falls hack.
' d the Audiobs.: NO W Y iral books. And there last include "Tho acts and efforts of the Parlle from the bottom of hy het h our thoitolling the traditional hlatory of ment and the Cloverment alace the pro- wered therland may bement by this the wuccesivo birtha nusigned to Aidhar clanation of the constitution not having coacord wad bi barmony, (Thrw.remde ta Goutama, hone learning. preaching And organlaing abilities Amalgamated to le few and uninportant Triding Stamboul, Norpeber 16, 1900 into one belief the now religious views errors are magnifiel. The penplo conal.
The Pondine Rwip framed during thousands of years by the dere evil the good which it does not at Informing teachers, and of which the once understand, the act which do not Mhagabat Gita of the Mahabharata, ono immediately prette material Advantages MISS. H. M. HOWSIX ON THZ of the most improniva religious poema of or the resulta which bring some prejudice
SIGNIFICANOR OF INDIAN the world, is a conspicuous example. And to private interests, bnwaver beneficial it was from the material supplied by the to the community. Neverthelone, this
NATIONALISM. national storehouses of earliest thought popular vlow should not really trouble
Min H. M. Howwin hu written . und remembered history that the great A. Reforma which suddenly change the
pamphlet entitled "The Bignilo one nt Buldhist Teacher Sidbarta Goutania and
Goutania and the ple's way of life are often Injurious.
unple's way of life are ntton Injurious Indian Nationalium" (A. O Neeld. his trained disciples Inmod the authori. The law of evolution requires that trans
not. 99 pp.), to which Dr. Rutherford istive theology of the Buddhist Tripitaka formations should be effectnd gradually!
formatinne Ahould bontecend gradually. hu contributed an latroductory Nota. - Idel. diesen fosted by Ita To-day it is not only our anty, but that I Mig Howdin lave de foundation for euthusiastic missionary preachers us to
her recommendations by . skotch of the load to the installation by Asoka, about for the progress of our country. Wo muat
history of the enuntry both in ita politie 2) B.C. of Buddhism u tocrood of the avoid the feelings which would land us
al and intellectnal aspecte; she defende Indian Bmpire from whence it made ito ay tamatically and in hontilo spirit to
the educated classes from the charge of way to Caylon, o u , China and Japan March for mutual CAURO of offence. Al.
ignoring the Interests of the mean of their and became the domainant religion of though crittel in and condemnatina ar fellow.countrymen ; and she deals with Fastern Asia.
rights and gifts Accorded ly liberty, on the relations of the Hindu And Mahorarly Primitive History in volume condition that they are used weil, it is medan communition. She sams ap ber by J. M. Hewitt, late Commissioner
i lao a virtue worthy of lapour by a truly view la then worden of Chota Nagpur,
free and pure conscienc, hot to me only the base of the canaldaratin
the bad side of everything, and not to AHMED RIZA'S SPEECH
that the character of foreign ralo dnes rive unlimited credence to all.that is said. TO THE TURKISH
not attest that question of nationalios, "My dear colleaguor, my aim in repeat which reste on the Amption that, wher PARLIAMENT, ing truth which you already know is to
A nation we ronched a certala stage, solf. (budi re-election as President, Ahmed express to you my dastro as to the opinion
government from within, and not com Ria Bay Addrmcd the Chamber. After
which this year should predominato in pulaign, bowover wies and benevolent, thanking the Sultan for the new place of the Chamber. When you made me Presi.
from without, is Batural und vital Inoating ho led put at their disposal,
dent for the first time I considered this necowity of future growth and it from and recommending the Depure always
mign of confidence as a recompense for Any on that dation fails to achieve te In oct with steady moderation 444 pru
Atruggle of twenty years against a des- roquiaita masure of attainment, prema Joaca, ha continued thun:
pitie (lovernment, which recognised nei. tury pomy ineritably stain," "Posolution and laws should be entire ther justice nor legality. We have work
8. N. BWIN. ly in agreement with the neods of the ed together during eight months You
The Positivin Ravin, fatherland and traditions of the nation,
have won turnt close quarters Taking w that they may be sually applied and
account of my inexperience, you have, put in exccution, according to the apti.
during this interval, prased over more inLules and character of the country. In
voluntary error, and have again judged bplore taking laws of spending them,
wie worthy of this oftion. It would be un We ne prepare the recommary mesur
my part grona ingratitude to abuse, even for their execution, to be end that all
unconsciously, the favour and ponfidence wins of the people may gain an equal
you have bestowed on me. The author advantage from them. The Government
ty you give to the President is very im. harged to apply the law munt fiad at
portant, but to employ it is staak of great B. and abroad more solid support
delicacy. 1 And that its usefulnors and MH tbe wishes and the poofidence of the its efficacy dopend capacially on impartiLarkingont let yo nooognise that the
ality-- (uprlawe nd I know that I can N u pport is in the religious senti.
only maiptaia and preserve the orodit meule, the morality, the one and the and dignity of this office ky poutrality. Education of the people Progrew and Por I am proud to be, got the President
Then we the one that is militiou ere like a ar impelled by the of a party, but of a party, but the fruident of the whole
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