Muman and School of Art The same Indian art could be hardlywidto a protining at the pattern of Alitude wu trouble in the bole of the hero wall begin that are the India.ath lo India, wd in stope Cuvernant educational policy, in which yould in the fatur programor MR. W. ROTHENSTEIN ON Iudian art kod music were alike calmly rapidly, and be purvordporo intelligently
THB EIGNIFICANCE OF and totally ignored. Take only one ex thaa bad ludaberto beeg tbe Cam With
INDIAN ART. a'tuple, the teaching of drawing, no one regard to Sir George Bird wood's theory had thought of studying indigenous in that one art did not exist in India, thia
-- - ..: thods, or of mucking one of them; antiquat.appeared to be only question of termino. Mr. W. ROTHEUTE * pretium ed South Kensington copy booke repre logy; the distinction of fine and decor artist in the Weat, felt tKat it artista bat Aonto the trdom of the West in the lo tive art was artificial, and though quite only realised earlier in their'Western art shapect for the greater part of India oven modern, we had progressed some little the valde of Eastern ideas, Wretorn an b. The train diffoulty seemed to be Way even since the time when it was would have had an entirely different thiet Eglish edurationis in India could cepted a matter of cours. H. could character. Signs were apparent fodicet. But be brought to realive their own color only way that if Sir George Birdwooding that what the Suthor and others at
Jignontince. It seemed us if the Eng. chose to call the art of the Royal Aca- been insisting on were already being full lish And Anglo-Indian miod were not demy or the Paris Salon, "Ano," and much in Western art. There we drody> only indiffore it to, and ignorant of Indian Ngure as the Avalokitesvara of Mr. Hav. tarn to the mahre ahntract form of reality Alt Rod wurto, but determined that lo ll's book (Plate XI) "decorativo," It was bewinning to be maderstood that dians themselver should remain in equal
reality and realiam' were not the same inorance. He would also like to my And regarded the decorative m pro- thing, and that the estenen of art w word with regard to the qualifications of founder revelation, inore living utter- roality. It www 'Ngainst that particular Europose writer on Indian art. These Ange than the fine. Sir George Birdwood form of realiani, hicb bad since the ware onlly archaeologists or anistours. appeared to think that "Fine Art" did
that "Fine Art" did Ronalmance taken too large part in Out of sympathy with the fundato not exint in Europe before the time Wetera art, that wtimolation could be tal ideal of Indian thought, prejudiced of Raphnel. Il conto the great wistaks, found in the study of everything Eastern. in sotu Kaiunt ludiau religion, and commion to all European art critics, of It was noly font and right that the poasemaud of few of the faculties of appre calling ideal art, 14orely decorative." character of Iudian'art would be folly ciation which are demanded of writer just because it was not realistie." 10 recognised, and even exaggerated, if it on Earyan art, thay bave found it must say, in this way, that the use of definito wore powible to exaggerato it, wire way to sondoms and criticine, bud haveform," auch u the canone prescribed, it had been so neglected for whole cou. fult little or no conciou beus of their removed a gireu work from the category turie at least of learned Archaeological duty to interpret. The writer of book of fpe art, WM very much like maying civilisation. He thought artiste omad.. on art should im to make his roaden un. that the we of sonnet form, or any other very great debt of gratitude to the author derstand the art; to wee the world the dotinite speecb-mould, prevented our for laying down with such enthurinsa artist saw it: at least, to know what the regarding a given poet's work - great or and currens what be considered to be Arstet wished tu ray. Most writen on free! In any caso it must be understood
the wide of Yantern art from which all Indian art, in pointing out defecte and that the new conscience of the Nature
would lourn. tutu, baru murely pointed out the
of Indian" which lay behind the outward whvious, aud du e the livergence evidence of Indian nationalism, would of their own from the Indiau puint of be quite inditfurent to scadenle temino
FOR View, aud the rule ould not be regard.
logy applied by Europeans to the producta od portonuent wontributious to the bloof Iudian imagination, and would dewry ulit. The European critic bever
tand froid the British Government . wowed to pouebrate behind the mulecu
MANUFACTURED BY recognition of the artistic is well as of of au fyduo wulpture and painting, ur every other phase of Indian culture. The
THE tu buvo lent ito language; he did not British Clovernment would be barshly
SHARMA HINDU BISCUTS porucivo its intention, and therefore,
judged by future generations for its FACTORY, DELHI. evuld not judge it ou the only true lusin,
philistine and igoornnt indifference to AK LABUR TEAM BAKERY IN INDIA) 1. of Lourdulmaying, that "thul draw.
Indian art and artists, aud its policy CUARANTEED DELICIOUN AND BENT ing is best which bot expresses the pas
would be unfavourably contraatad witla wivu that animates
IN THE MARKET. the figure" The
that of the Hindu and Mogul rulers of writers be reffered to did not know, and
SHASTRIC BULKY OF PURITY SCRU. the earlier, and in many respects, more tuull
PULOUSLY CRSERVED. tot feel tbe presion that
onltured times. Not only did the speak. ADAL. many an
POLICITXN. SOLD KVERWERK Indian work er think, however, that it was the duty
BOLE AGENTS FUR BENGAL! wart; how then could they interpret or of the Government in ludis and Ceylon
The Punjab Trading criticine? Which was not to say that
At least, to continue the onlightened, art their work. liad no value me records of policy of the Indian rulon whom they
Company., historical fat; it werely showed that supplanted, but be was convidend that
77, SUTTA PUTTI, (Crora Street) those who write, and those who accept nothing was more beeded in Kurupun
Sw Agel-A. C. YOU & Co. wuch idou, wore uot competent the art than the liberating Aud inspiring in.
3, Olanning Stro, Calouttes. Moguls or the Hiudu i ulurs of ladin
Ruence of Oriental, and specially of Inonce wars--to gunle the at administra
dian, art. He thought that influence ... the Goverunsub The pusker rudy felt He would not culare was glad, an Indian, to welcowe Mr. upun this point, but wuld be very glad Havell' work wibo beginning of Dow if the Chine would call on M. Rols ruler of thing, and though the study of thenstein, who was promon, on speak
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