. A . for this, we must depend upon alms. The one in orly an exton. ourselves.
sion of the other. . I ain the printer of Karmayogin. Our civilisation has never been In most western countries, it is
Since my imprisonment as the backward in bringing to the notice required that every yonog man, printer of the new defunct Nova- of the individual his responsibility when his adyacation is complete, makti News Paper, which extended to society. There is none so poor shall give three, four, or five years er #pretty long period of that he hns never tried to feed the
to military service. He goes into 10 months, iny affairs have drifted starving. From this time we munt harracen, in regimented, and drilled, into a hopeloss confusion. After recognise the still greater urgency maken A unit in the standing w release it took sometime to of giving knowledge. There is no
Anny, and PAMES out, tually, coveriny strength and spirits and other way of making the unity of when his term is onded, an effici. begin work again. The difficulty our country effective. If one class
aerent soldier, to remain, for the rest of my situation has been consider of the poople derive all their mental
of his life, ready at any moment whily incronsed by the necessity sustenance from one not of ideas,
to join in the armed defence of his of having to marry * daughter And the bulk of the population
country, who huo aliont exceeded hor from something else, this unity.
What we have to do, is in like marriagenblenge from the Flindu
Although certainly prenent, cannot fashion, to organise the army of fint of view. Some kind friend: easily be made effective. But if
education. Why should it bu have taken pity on mo and secured all the people talk the same lan- thought im ssible that every stu
bridegroom for my girl. The guage, learn to express themselves marriage inlist somehow be per.
dent, when his own oducation is in the same way, to feed their reali. over, should be called upon to give turmed in Baisakh next. A. I ansation upon the same ideas, if all three years to the people? It is of w living from hand to month
are trained and equipped to res. Courne understood that just as the Il lavo hardly any credit to pond in the same way to the same only son of a widow is, in the west manage loan I have been most
forces, then our unity will stand excusod military service, so one reluctantly drivon to appeal to the self-denons
self-demonstrated, unflinching. W. whose earnings are absolutely nec public who I hopo will appreciato shall have acquired national soli. shall have acquire
cssary to others inuist be excused iny wituation and help me out of
darity, and power of prompt and the educational service. The villathe difficulty. All contributions intelligent action. In this very gers, on the other hand, would easito be sent to the Manager Karma
fact, of universal education, the goal ly maintain a single student, living Yuxin, 4. Shampookur Lane, Call will have boen attained, and none amongst thom ns # schoolinaster. Monomohan Chose, could succeed in toming us back. And when his own three years were
Nor need we regret that we fall PRIMARY EDUCATION,
over, it is to be supposed that hu back, for this, upon our own could, from his own old school or Now that the Government has
strength. Education for the people college, arrange for another to take
is, in the first place, reading, writpratly but firinly shown the folly of
his place. Some would learn to love ing, and arithmetic. looking to it for any inovcment in
As long as the simple village life, and elect to the direction of primary education,
we carry the burden onrselves, live and die, poor schoolmasters.
there need be no juggling with the the only course for the Indian
Most, however, would serve the people, is to consider what they
goographical distribution of lan- years of their vow, and pass on, themselves can unassisted do, most
gleges. But for artificial inter- returning to the city, to bear their
vention, Orissa, Bengal, and Behav rtlectively, in the inatter. We all
part in the life of more complex know that the future depends, for
might now have been talking community. On the one hand, the us, on education. Not that indus
single tongue, using a single soript, duty of teaching, on the other, the try and commerce are unimportant,
quoting from & great consolidated duty of maintaining, so teacher and
literature. We must do all we can, Inut because all things are possible
taught make the perfect social unit. to tho educated, and nothing what
for the simplification of the lan. And so the great masses of the «yer to the uneducated man. We
guage problem, and for thin, noth- people might be swept within the hnow this. We know also that this
ing could be so effective as our education, to be of any avail, must
circle of articulation. It takes thirty own feeble action, infinitely preferable to the centralised, mecha
years to make a whole people Etend through all degrees, from its nical organisation,
literate, even supposing that an fr.west and humblest applications,
Another advantage in our own
idea like this were carried out in up to the highest and most diseffort is that it alone can be a
its fulness. But with it we must interested grades. We must have permanent force. It depends upon
Dot neglect the Asiatic device that Technical cducation and we must no outside influence. Let the cen.
makes every morsel of social device have also higher rosearch, because tralisera come and go. And change
self-supporting, and self-propagatechnical education, without higher As they will, the initiative that
ting, India never forgeta to wing research, is a branch without a tree, resides in the nerve-endo them
the seed that she has brought to : bloysom without a root. We must selves, remains intact, can never
ripeness. Along with the teaching have education of wonien, as well as be infringed.
must go the awaking of responsibi. Mucation of men. We must have! We have to build up this ideality for further teaching." Alma to Nejlar education, as well as reli- of the sacred duty of giving edut the teacher," and "Knowledge to gious. And, almost more impor. 'cation to the people none of the the people," must be converso tant than any of these, we must elements of our civiliation. Al. truths, taught at one and the same lave education of the people and ready we have the iden, of giving time,