with the infinite tides of love and
I forces of the nation. There is none | The majestie or impopuove rise of a compassion. It feeds itself upon that can hold back, since the sensi- religion, an iden, a nation may for its own service, its own Hacrifice. tiveness of each one to high vision, fleating period be bold bred be main And it opens the road to all, that will be in exact proportion to his force and with a fierce and infinite they may climb upwards. Is N&- own great1100 India has a tramed laborter the wheal may be driver back tionality politics, or is it in truth: perception of spiritual pown for the space of an inch or even two religion, the highest spirituality? | Onde tt irtonistible. 'AW ber by But'God cannot be deceived and God Indian Philosophy. power is concentrated it . singlo
cannot be conquered by violence. To us ns a people it is necessary point, and the magazine of energy Where He is the Charioteor, victory at this moment to believe in Va. thus accumulated and individual
is certain, and if Be wheels buck, it tionality, is the highest possible ined, shakes the very earth, in its is only to leave ground wbich is no exprerion, for the time, of the spi- effort a constructive expression. longer advantageons to Him and ritun life. It is nocessary. And Thus the epoch made by the shift the confliet to terrain fred PsSly the world has need no Avatar; and spirituality becomes beforehand for the victory. Often race which hele in itu handy 80 the hearth and altar.place of He forces His ad verwries to drive Krent treasure 18, in this respoct, Nationality.
Hito from ground conquered and • In Eudan thought. The one in the Spirituality versus Religion.
occupied in order that they may exManv. the Many equally in the
But if we return to the lower haust their stroogth on a position One. No wom here, for the snpe. sense of the word religion, we never meant to be permanently rin Hanctity of puja-bells to the
shall have to admit that the typical held and by their voty triumph prefactory.gong, for the gronter holi- representatives of spirituality Are
pure a more decisive overthrow. ness of Cungew-bathing than gym- never bound by this. They use Minute midde fix themselves op Titic exercises ! Jnronpnde, bhak- religion, as coininon mon under details and way "Here we have ti-pula, karmapada---all eqnal, all stand it. They love it. They failed, there we have prevailed; and Authentic. No excuse here for the speak its language. But when they is the record of defeata seeing to be man who says the pujari is on- suspect that truth leads outside long and ill-balanced "by doubtful velopil in spitituality, and all And beyond, they never hesitate to
suocesses, they grew discouraged and others are lower. Other religions dufy it, to set it at nought Truth apprehend the rain of their cause. So may offer pronouncements of this is after all, their religion, and they meu deceive themselves as to the escription, but not Hinduism! muat need break smaller bounda.
trend of events by not keeping their To ludian thought alone, there Did anyone ever, hear of great eyes open to the great stream of is nothing startling in the words to saint who did not tranaoend some inevitable tendency which prevails Irbunr in to prty. Its own mene limitation or other? Who has for- over all back washes and petty He has been nothing less. Strug. gotten tho tale of Guru Nanuk, currente. And where defeat is WP in rourwhip. What else does the and how he went on pilgrimage to
and how he went on pilgrimage to predestined for Suson, their want Gita teach its peoplo ? AU know- Mecca? There he slopt, with his of faith leads to the very calamity ledere in beatitude. There is no feet against the Chabah stone. which they apprehended. The cye Hindu who does not realise this. Moved to righteous indignation of Faith is not one with the eye of
Then discovery is in with inpi- pious Musalmans came, and woke Knowledge ;-Faith divines in the p ion Who can deay it? Veriiy, hin up, threatening to kill him, for large what knowledge ses distinct vur faith is even Ay & land strewn daring to pas his foot ou the place ly and clearly; but in the main with jeweln; for us, it is only to where God was. "AL" said the thiog Fruth and Knowledge are one pick them up. In sober truth, it saint quietly. "Jast show me the and the wisdom of the Lover is jusdeclares to us, all that is true and place whero God is not that I may tified nad supported by the wisdom right is religion: only that which place my feet there." And great of the Seer. Faith fights for Coul. is false, can be excluded.
was the multitude that became his while knowledge is waiting for fui The Spirituality of the Aratars disciples.
filment, and so long as the latter is In this sense, we are using the word as one with spirituality. And
Have they not all been of this withheld, the former is necessary here we can see the reason of the
typo, those great souls in whom our For without indomitable Faith it great law of the national evolution,
nation ought to glory? Ought we inspired Wisdon do great cause mi pronounced by the Gita— When
to need to be reminded that fire of conquer.
spirituality, when it is lighted, ever righteousness decay and un
We must look therefore to the righteousness prevails, then I mani
barns up at the forest, even the grout tendency of things and interfeat Myself." We can we bow that
jungle of religious rites and pret in their light the minute a great recrudescence of the nationdootrines?
events that are passing at the moal idealism is inevitable, every time
inent. Is the main tendency of
IN EITHER CASE . it has been betrayed, just as the top
things upward or downward!
If it is downward, even then we of the next wave is inevitable, the There are two mOTEGRU of he must strive, for the man who abannoment the bottom of the wave- manity, upward and downward, I dons a Cause which is right because trough is reached. This great re- and both are inesistible. It may, it is denied nooo, is despicable, crudescence comes in the birth of reem for moment that the down and ha inficta # wound on man some person, in whom all the exist
ward more:nent is arrested and an kind in the premont and the future. ing ideals of the age are summed np. upward lif may for a while rejoice Grent oubin which are fought out. This perron attructs to himmelf all the hearts that are attached to al boldly to the end are made merod the emotional and intellectual cause forsaken by God and Destiny, by counny and morlag, and