BY BIPIN CHANDRA PAL VI. Nationalism and Nationalists. Mazzini's definition of Nationali ty is a perfect definition. No more Accurate or comprehensive definition of the term has yet been given. It is, he said, the individuality of the nation.
The conception is, essentially, organic. The very first and fundamental pronouncement of modern Sociology is that Society is an organism. An organism means a thing that has an end unto itself, It is a thing that essentially exists for itself. It may have a multitude of outer relations, and through these outer relations, it may serve other than its own. organic ends also. But all these outer relations are more or less secondary, contributory to its own organic life and activities, and have their value not in themselves but in these fundamental life and activities of the organism. This organic conception of Society necessarily posits before each Society an aim to be reached. This is a spéci fic aim. The essential aim in every evolutionary process is specific. In biological evolution, the development of the particular biological type represented by the organism, is this specific end. Similarly, in sociological evolution, the development of the particular social type represented by the social organism is this specific end. And it is the special and specific sociological type, which any particular group of humanity may represent, that constitutes Nationality.
Any chance collection of human nnits or human families, is therefore, not a Nation. Even territorial unity would not necessarily make them a Nation. Nationality is essentially a question of race. A Nation is a sub-division of 1nce. Race is genus, Nation is species. A race may be spread over widely-separated area. It may occupy the most distant parts of the globe.
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But neither differences of climate and other physical and physiographical conditions, nor difference of language or religion, or of historical evolution, can altogether destroy the fundamental unity of racial characteristics. All that these do is to cause variations in the species, contributing to the different Nations, belonging originally to a Race, their special national characteristies, and, thereby, bringing out It is comparatively easy to exwhat Mazzini calls the, individuality press the nation-idea in these geneof these nations. Sometimes there ral terms, but exceedingly difficult are cases of racial amalgamation, to specify it, in regard to particular when people of different races, nations, in a definite and concrete thrown into the same territorial way. This specification can only he unit, and brought under the same. made through a very careful study historical conditions either through and analysis of the course of past. conquest or colonisation, and per- historic evolution of the nation. haps even converted to the same The specific national characteristics religion, gradually grow into a mixmust be sought for and discovered ed and composite nation. The (i) in the original racial structure growth of these composite nations of the nation, and (ii) in its physiis also determined by special con- cal and social environments, which ditions. As in biology eross-breed-working upon those original racial ing is possible and successful under elements, gave special tone certain conditions only, and not and type to its thought and universally or indiscriminately; so life, developing the peculiarities also in sociology. Two races, wide- of its literatures, its arts. its ly different from each other in philosophies and theologies, its physical, mental, and spiritual ensocial, sacerdotal, and economic, dowments and character, and occu- political economies and organisapying widely different stages of tions. The history of a nation, social and economic evolution, using the term history in its widest. though they may be thrown into sense, always supplies the key to its the same territory, and even be essential life and character. made to profess the same religion, and taught to speak the same language, will not necessarily form one Nation. Cross-breeding, such circumstances, will not improve either of the races, but result in inevitable atavism and consequent racial degeneration and decay. In our own times, the impact of widely different races and cultures, as in America and Australia, has resulted in a gradual decay and extinction. of the inferior races. But healthy and advantageous admixture of races is also not unknown in history. In Europe, we find examples of it in Portugal and Spain. We see it also in the general appropriation of
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the Jews by almost every European nation, even in our own day. Physoal environments, historical situations, racial contacts and conflicts, all there contribute to the development of national peculiarities, and thus help to differentiate the different branches of the same race, but they neither create, nor can they obliterate the original and organic structure and end of a nation.
Racial types are discovered mainly in three things, (a) the physical structure of the race, (4) its thought-structure, and (e) its social structure. These are fundamental factors of racial, and through the racial, of national differentiation. The ordinary Europeau, while even dabbling in sociology. very rarely has the capacity and the culture to investigate and understand these deeper notes of racial or national characteristics. To him. the nation-idea is essentially a ter ritorial and political ideal. The
race-problem resolves itself, to his mind, into an essentially colour pro blem. The Oriental, for instance, is to him one type of humanity, end the Occidental is another. He
ly stops to consider that a goginphical term is not necessarily racial or national connotation But careful sociological research by the help of the dominant methods of modern culture, namely, the colo paritive, the historical, and the eve lutional methods, would reveali