Parth, water, and banner onglit to! This is our position to-day. We name. Think of Her children the suprotne sy'n bois, winning all are determined to initiate new
own kindred, who are ope in need. to bur y humplicity and developments. For this, it is es. Let your hearts go out in infinita
thos W. hall not be able twintind that we make our own pity" "Mother and Motherland" Tampin this whjeet Wather material, and of all our inaterial, Bays the proverb," is better than
min to the consideration is in this mense so important Swarga!" Ah, the morrow for those
tror, allmy for their at the women. A great deal of our who are ahungered, and cannot feel .. win attituun
nationalising energy, therefore, has this joy! "Awake! Awake to be given, during the coming Rise up and get ye knowledge.
ware, to making the women of our womanhood of India! womanhool of WOMAN IN MODERN
Amilin nore devoted to the country | Bengal! Learn of your own INDIA
than they are, cren to their fathers, past. Only 60 can you realise husbandly, and brothers, and quali. your future. Learn of your coun
indre still better what try and her needs. Only by this can Ty i ng that Indian -Ti- will serve the welfare of the nation, you train your judgement, your will run through when than 9 to that of the fainily. This will, and power of choice. Only by
wing buckwell The is all the essence of the whole mnat- growing kuowledge can the heart
formed on the list ofter. It amounts to the reception be ennched, and thought become .
.. mot troubled to of il new iden, for our women havo clearer."Awake! Awake"! Be ht. ich with mean not been accustomed to think much free and work. L e seness The by the lucution of of larger areas than the village at guide the band, and love inspire the
m w en to-day per cilinment. The impingement of new will. So shall no sacrifice, be defeat it. The problem of the ideas crentes vnormous energy. It
ideernes vnormous energy. It ed, and every movement hall avail. f Indi a have constantly in is likely, therefore, that those who No bondage shall hinder those
ist, while the family are really touched, will show the who have risen to this height. ww w won form of fart at once, by an ongerness to bo No ignorance shall stand. No vastw w . loy the civitas, the taught reading and writing. It is ness of the task before then shall
anima l vity. This can obvious that if they enn onco roml dismay. Benle ilaturum. All mutbed by w , wn, alone. they will be in a position to feed the problems of to-day have to be I will no tr'y that it their own national sense for them- attacked on a national scale. The
do by wornea. In all selves. But many will be too old, problem of problems is the achievey of the moral and personal or will not have the faculty, to mas ment of nationality itself. But in this ht, is a lr great factor ter the new methods of knowledge. matter of the educativa of women, hun. In her rolin the syn. Not on this account in any to bo it will be well if rur men can
of life. As she determines p od by: Reading and writing romember exactly what part of the the charm of the bene, ont of not in themselveg education. task is its core and Chines. Let us while man forth to his day's The power to use them well is vast- talk with our womenkind about the
bew ! is conceptionly more important than the things affrirs of the country. Let us apof what
it whole should be themselves. A woman in whom peul constantly to the growing that .. . and creates the the great compassion is awakened, judginent and enthusiasm. Let us
ht. M..1 Woniy n chver child woman who understands tho na- creato thene qualities in them, it 1 women and keeping is the tional history, & woman who hnu they do not already exist, by believN o! I follows that while made some of the great tirthas and ing steadfastly in the Alman who
ma' t ways take the loud in his tion of whnt her country is within all. The doctrine of the M al departments of nativity, it it looks like, it much moro truly and divinity of the human soul has no at the name time of the highest deply educated than one who hus ineaning whatever if it is not thin, importaner that ginerul scheme of merely road
had much. much. "Awako!
Awnke that ench one of us--man or woman, lode would be understood by the Awake" incans, first of all, awake to bigh or low, lourned or ignorant.-- women of a community, and should tho grat multiform consciousness, is in spirit the Pure, the Free, the
be such to shock and outrago let everything that is Indian breathe All-wise, and that the one help we ir 14 of sight. We all know anel cat and work through you. can render another is to evoko thin
imp i t it to individual Identify yourhlf in thought, dny realisation in its fulness. '
n and women by clay, with all sorts of strange be- Daily thu life of our Indian wo. !. .
com.landings and trange iaterests recogni- manhool 19 shrinking. Day by day, . .! . it com ing that they with you, pursos their acope is being lessened. Unleak
.: orth its utmost pually the common homo. Dedi. we can capture for them the new T . , Bivon direction, it cate sono part of every muju, to world of expressivo, they will .. .resuy that its men and this thought of the Mother whu is steadily continue to lose more and * wensen whould be combined in Swadesh. Lay a few flowers before moro of the world they had. If 1. ont effort.
Her, pour out a little water in Fler Sita und Savitri are ever again to MED BEWARE OF IMITATION
be born of Iodian mothers, we must croato new types for them; suited
to the requirements of the modern SPECIFIC FOR nge. Gandhari must live again, * ARISING ROM ALL CAUSLE.
with new names to think of, but all INDIAN CHEMISMA CUTWAL
WORKS. MOGUCE DORIA CALCUTTA I the ancient faith and courage, stand