only possible fondation for com- in Bengal, the Sikh Gurus in the the Power behind us, and the futuro mon faith and work. Once let the Punjab, Sivaji in Maharasta, and before 114. So great a birth initiates character be found questionnble, Ramapujn and Malhavacharya in great happenings. Many are to be however, and the worker in better
the South. the South. Through each of those,
Through each of these, tried' as by fire, and not a few will passed on one side. If the heart of people sprang ito self-realisation, be found to bo pure gold; bus a man be divided in its allegiance, into national energy, and conscious whatever happens, whether victory that man is not the mouthpiece of nes of their own unity. Sri or defeat, speedly fulfilment or pro(wl. Hient convictwn and sin Rarukrtahna represents a synthesis, longed abruggle, the fact that ho lity of purpose are all that is in one person, of all the leaders. It has been born and lived her in our
followy that the movements of his midnt, in the night and memory at net loc too mtern and clear in our age will unify and organise the mou now living, in proof that Cremnation of dishonesty, tren. more provincial and fragmentary Cod hath sounded forth the trumpet, hery, or insincerity. murenents of the past.
That shall never call retreat Nationality will be the synthesis Ramkrishna l'armnhamna is the He 19 sifting out the heart of mens af all righteon forms of effort, but epitome of the whole. His was Before His judgment sent: It his neither hope nor heaven to the great nuper-conscious life which Ob, be swift my soul, to answer Him offer to the man who makes and alone can witness to the infinitude Bu jubilant, my fret! Lachs con trong side in of the current that bears is all While Ciod is marching on tinite charity in the other unre- ocean-wards. He is the proof of lenting condemnation. Idling is
THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC. txul epongh in the lay of our need
BY .nl opportunity. But deceit and Ils of intention are not to be
----- - Coinmon Fellasles.
Mise eyes have seen the glory of the All that we often hear, 19 the
coming of the Lord, luy man's promise that God will
He is trampling out the vintage where the e day wind is an Avatar to
grapes of wrath are stored ; PS ar u. These are the
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His allein of suggnrde, who would
terrible wilt word, fiuin tumhi over in their cuinfortable
His Truth i' marching on! beds, and dream that they are sufe. Face to face with the great life of
I have noen Him in the watch-fres of a hundreit Dukshineshwar, it is difficult to put
circling camps; up with such fatuous self-asurance.
"They have bnikled Him an altar in the evening Sau th: puts, discussing their
dews and dumps; future dytany, and alarmed nt the
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim prospect of possible breakage.
and furing lamps : " Tush' the potter is a good fellow!
His day is unarching on! It will be well!" Of this quality
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shalt In the futh of the man who is lok.
never enll retreat, ing for a future divine revelation, before he story. The revelation will
He is sifting out the hearts of nen before His
judgment-seat: come. The world throbs with such
Oh, be swift my soul to answer llim, be berly. But it will use the slum
jubilaat my feet! Lerer by. "Rascal : Rpl Total
Our God is marching on! Hurto-- Fire in burning belum your door, and you have come to the sands of the Norbca for heat." The world could not bear a second THE NEW HINDUISM.
form a development, not an intet birth like that of Ramkrisht
tion. This is why we do not note Paramahamsa, in five hundred
that we are living in the midst of years. The mans of thought that Every new period in our political
new Hinduism. The new Hinduism be hus left, his first to be tranin. history create new period in
is merely the ok, finding new ut. formed into experiency; the spiri- Hindu worship. The ideas that
terance and application. When w tualacgy gives forth has to be surround us from our birth are like read the gront pronouncements of conserted into client. Until
geological strata, piled ove upon Vivekananda, they are so like the this one, whit right have wat another, sind each bearing the nuk
words of our wwn grandparent wk for more? What could we do of the time in which it rose. A heard in our childhood that we with me? crisis so important in the present,
fail to remember that they are be. The plane of religion in India. must, in its turn, lenve a deep im
ing spoken in the midst of a forvign Religion always in India. pre pression on our religion, thought
people, and falling upon stringe is bational wakin . Shukar and customs. It is, of course, under.
ears. This fact that our religion wharyn was the beginning of a stool that the new, if it is to bo
now stands before the world, de that swept rotund the while persistent, must be constituted by manding its rightful place,-deternatry, culminat (. nya a return upon the old. It must mined to find the souls that belong