10 Annas. Single bladded 6 annas, gors 7 annas 8 annas and 10 annas
e s to our too
Price list of some stationery goods of every dayuse. Penholders (about 50 ports) Price one picu each to: amar sach. Dozen 2 Annas and six nie 10 Rs. 2-12. Nibs (steel, brass Dozen 1 Anna to 8 annas). Peacock-pens Dozen 2 apne Pencils dozen 2 annas and 6 pies. Rollera of different size 3.Annas 9 pies to 8 Annas anch Blotter each copy 6 pies and 9 pies dozen 5 annas and 8 Annas. Exercise Books (50 pace 6 pies and (100 pages) 1 anna each copy. Khata-bound each copy 3 annas, 3 andas and 6 piee 4 annas, and 6 pies. Note-book 2 annas 3 annus per copy. Maharaja Swadeshi
hi playing
la cards per set 2 annus and 3 pies. Double bladod Knife 10 Annas. Single bladder pocketknife 5 Annas each. Officennife 4 nnnas cach. Scissors 7 annas 8 annas an each. Office tape 2 annas, Twine threads ball I anna and 6 pies each. Pocketknife Do. White penned 6 Annas only. Leather cliffs 1 anna 3 pieg ench.
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cious than our “SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME.” It is now well-known to medical men that Syrup Hypophosphite of Lime loses its virtues consi
derably when old. Our product being made at our Laboratory is always fresh and much more efficacious than imported preparations which take a very long time
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