Thenc Musalman influencen, clear the elephant, (corresponding to the In
THE WONDERFUL through inther are in the early middle dian cheus pawb), which we see in the Na.
"TRIKAL DARSHI HNA" banne in intent and numerous in tional Library, or on the winding sheet of
OF THE TWENTIKTH CENTUN. the Hainanewme period: (1) owing to Charlemagne at Aix-le-Chapelle, in met
Cientlenien Please order for ane glans, ilie continued arrival of Eastern work, with in the capitals of Monterneuj of Poi
There is no aerre inpan of knowing the () of the increasing facility tiers Aulury, the Trinity of Caen, and
Past Prenent and Future in with which the Western craflumen . in the Cierran or Flemish chandeliers,
price than this. altel them where the abil bears tower on its
The method, to which l'he
the ancient sages had rernursr, for the rative matifu which entered back.
As for the conventional flower, 1are in knowledge of the Past Prenent'and Futur to Wrwehrt in the romanesque
Musalman art before the 19th century, has come to light by the unboandel gran period arn atill (forms of the hom nr
and common after the 13th century, and of great Mahatma-and people in cene. h f life, regnizable in many Romeally funkel by front.
adopted quite early ly Byzantine Areints ral may be benefited by ita ime.
it is very difficult to say if we owe it di- This invention is brought to light in estatal the miniatures and ter.
rectly to Mulan art, or indireetly to order to ascertain the answers of the fol. t. When they dil not understand
Byzantine. We meet it contiunally in the lowing or like queries - the tuutil properly, Western artinti nume. Liniowin champleve enamel.
(1) What is one doing? (2) What ia * Mupprenned it and directly affronted There is sino a wpecial way of repreant
one's condition 7 (3) Whether a certain Hemmal, or art them back to back Ing the lauf which the M almäns borrow.
act will come out sucessful or otherwise ? The fire alhor at W, Uch we tooted perhaps from the Byzantines. The
(4) What will be the result of within the prof St Etienne of Chinon, folingo has a common tom regularly cur.
Act? (5) What is the situation and con1. St. Bertrand's windling sheet nt the ved, with wymmetrical leaves on right and
dition of a person's place of destination ? nch of In Conture in Maue in not left, ornamenting the hollow of the
(6) What are are superior, friends, and lars per ble in any moruinent of curve there leaves have one wide amonth,
relations doing? () Where can the The louannnP print the other with three or four teeth which
buried wealth be obtained and what is 1 common motif on certain Musalman
correspond to the hollowing of the surfnce. tottle is that of an animal having two
its nature 7 (8) What will be the result, J. Marynet de Varselot, who lins Vrry
fair or foul of a certain private or publie Truls attached to nne body. It is met cleverly analysed thin motif eut on M al
qunrrel? with an tuany Romano que capitula, in
man rock-crystals, or engraved on ivory The M um at Brautain, at St. Cildas of
The glass is of great value in solving elephants, has found it on has rellefant
the above or like questione. 1:114, at Moixer, at Angouleme, nt San
Viviers, on capitals at the Trinity at Alamgio in Milan, and in manumript. Cuen, at Aubin il
If once purchased there is no necessity
Anger, at faint of re-purchasing it provided The animals devouring each other in
it in kept Karnan at Bordeaux, and, in the Toulouse mfely. 11
art are derived from two Museum. Up Wouteru barharia Art which te The epigraphie element, employed with 1
Numerous certificates lave been obtain ents the linked in mo, biting each out meaning, in purely ornamental way
ed from the learned men, price of the .. . or deviner in nota! And the played a rather large part It Romania
glass is Ra, 2. Annas including packing M aman art which reprvients them domation, Langperier and cooraju! and portage. wanted upon rach other in isolated hvalready own. In the Saint-Sever
A book in English drecribing the une It is in this way that the motif unntart of the Apoy , in the Ni
of the glass will be suded. The gings o r in the anpils of Notre- ecutional Library the borders of the fruta.
is 7" " 1.1, of Saint-Eutrope at Sainton, u n
.X.B.- In rave the plans door unt turn piece tenent a very tribing imitation in ver manteneipt of the Amulyphe. of 11th century mural inscriptions Long
rut to your wishra, it may be returned Ilse eagle with wing displayerl, in the perier has compared them with the inn
and the price (Rs. 2 only) refunded, pro le fabric of Saint Cleminin d' Auxer. cription on a mural tomb in major, dated
ided the glass is put back withiu twen
ty-four (4) hours of its delivery. S ertain
1043. ralian rekrystals, or In the door.franın at Notre-Dame in
Purchasers are requested to write their - ivory coffers in found on capitals at
full address with time in Engli-blogi 16-val, at Tracy le Val, Roncoray d'Velay there appears in it scription in de
, at I , and on the mel Renerate Culi characters The name, w of the coffie of Saint-Foy at Chaqura "Petrum Epi (Co )" rresponds well
Corre-princent's true, l'ost Oflir, and I'!e two handel engle par un the tough with that of Cislop l'eter II villager towe should be ueatly with inth of
Man to ensure protopt execution of pillar fruna Mowe, and on (10.2.1973). Round the deer .of the chur tal in the Toulouse Muncun. ch of Is Voute Chilbac (Plauto-Loire).
arder Musalman art hil improved on the there likewise runderrated ribbon
All communications should be made in duniani (who had already tiented it with ornament continually repeated. con
English by the following a.'dress :rider Chotos II nt Taghe Duan), the wisting only of defuted ('ulte clirrater.
Asbabbal Yagh Jibbal Palola anulin, a mythical but whwh als the Sinalliar observations have been made in
Pest Karmsad Yia Aband' huutand wings of a bind and the tail of the capital of the Toulouse Museum. St.
Dt. Kaira S. Gujrat spent to the body of lien. We tind Guilhem in the Desert, the door of the this gnfin in the capital of Bayeux, ou tonbof bohemen! (1.1111) at ('NORS, turnat Mans Monturault, Notre Dame on the altar pire of Kleuterneubers, and Portat at tant, M
T'he hun t of the lentiful Al Pvr in SWADESHI LOONS. in l . l, mother thing on the pill alles ..l the late HI, IN Ihn n les of Man
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