. thes are for the most part, the dotar the higher flights of artistic expression, and jetaan of the Anglo-Indian univer
manat be promerrod, Indian fine art was which we call the "Ano arte" is really at sity system
not worth preserving. Indian ideas of students who havo either the root of an art teacher's difficulties in
design were, to certain failed to obtain entrance into the univer.
extent, en India, for a long us this proposition is mily, or who have, for nogle CRON or
couraged on the craft side of the School, maintained as the leais of educational ther been obliged to al sue other
but in the drawing classes, which all the
policy it is wholly illogical and useless to nears of livelihood than thou which the attempt to teach Indian act at all. It is
students attended, Indian art was taboond, P: 112.in. Berlane
logical to tesok, university cuirit
Inclian achools of art
anul thn l tamples of South che University es wich i trom its acope, did teach for the first twenty Eve years
Kensington School of Art--the canta and for other reason who. I hull alinde of their existenor, thnt all Indian art is
from the Antiqur, the drawing copies to further vil, an art carere in India 1 inferior and that educated Indiape should
&c.--were plnen liefore them, and col. holds very all pecuniary inclure- borrow all their artistie
Irction of European paintings Lelonging idese fr
to the Madran Fine Arts Society was net. There in any A rory limited pron Europe. But it is hopeleanly illogical to pret of Government vmployment for muc-teach, us we have been teaching for the
bune in the picture gallery. Not • Ali student, anil no Indina artint or
single example of the best Indian paint. laut twenty-five years, and are still teach
ing or culptum was to be found in the nultamaan bu ever yet hul any kind of ing, that Indian applied art is admirable
school. The naturel etfeet of this systein distinction conferred wpon himn by our and Indian fiue art barbaric. It is utter
WAR that even thone students who wore Government, thongh vader native rule anly unelow to expect educated and highly
bribed to work as craftsten by payments artimt's was a bighly honoutable ocupa intelligent Indians to draw dintiacton
in the shape of Government rebolarship un, which received due regnition from Letween Indian art in ita industrial ap
took no real interest in their work. the State. plications and Indian Art an applied to
Public opinion aninng educated Indians, The very fact that the principalahip of sculpture, painting and Architecture. As well as Ainong mont Anglo-Indiana, the School of Art has always loon held by The distinction is purely Artificial and
condemned all Indian art as inferior,, wo Europeanr, adds to the difficulty of carry. academic, and cannot be inaintained an the highest ambition of every student ing out the policy laid down by the India working principle in teaching. If educe was to learn a much porrible of Office. To send out art experts to India to Indiano ncept our teaching that Eurpenn art, or rather to initate To teach Indian Art Reems very like send Europe has always excelled Asia in puin faithfully posible the European ex
og coale to Newcastle, and it would be tink, sculpture and suchitecture, we can. amples which the school provided. I *, were it not thint Indian art has fallen into such contempt with English-educat.
verve for Oriental textiles pottery, the school wat, whose father was one of + Vodians that it has hitherto been al. or jewellery
the most skilful goldwaithua in Madini, muntiinponsible to find an India who is There are trachnical considerations diligently ongaged in making shaled at it the same time fully acquainted with which make difference between Artistic drawings from the antique in the most Tudian art tradition, and how mufficient methods in cart, I monie, and a freapproved South Kensington fashion, and knowledge of Englisla to write depart- co painting, but all art is one, and both his great pride was not that he was liru iental reports about it for the informa- in Europe and in Asia the euthetie phi. nell good goldsmith, but that he had ton of Government. The #tudents of the losophy which controls the wenver's won prize at the Madras Fino Arte alt schools naturally expect a European
fingers is the same as that which controla Exhibition for stiil-life painting in oil. incipal to teach European art, and one
the painter'e brushes and the sculptors of the greatest difficulties I had to con. chirol. No school of thetic thought tend with for many years was the oppo. has ever propounded one philosophy for wtion of Mudents and their parents to the criwt weaver, and another for the
ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA 'what noemed to thom the retmgrade and picture painter and sculptor. Indian art
Founders of Steel Trunk Industry inconsistent policy of making Tudian art must stand or fall a completo school the foundation of the entire curriculum of rusthetic philosophy: to maintain an
in India of the school. They were willing to ac- An educational principle that the lower
ESTABLISHED IN lys cept the proposition that indian art department of it line been muccessful and Best Machine nado, Stovo printed. boull be taught in the lower classes, or
the higher a failure in to comdern all STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES 1what is called the industrial side of the Indian art in the eyes of Indians who
FACTORY :whool, but the ambition of every student Are capable of forming a considered and W
11, Maniktola Street, (Rurubayan.): to become eventnally a portrait pain. reasonable judgluent for themselve. ter or sculptor, and obtain prizes at the The MADRAR STOOL OP AKT.
IIEAD OFFICE: itala Fine Arts Exhibition--the Royal In Madina School of Art, when I took 1/1, Curowallis Street, (Kintola.
Tule As A rule chargo of it in 1884, the system of teach.
BRANCII: Academy of Angka-India. mtudents could only be bribed to remain ing was, like all other Indian Schools of 181, Buwbaar Struet, (Baitakkhan) in the industrial side by scholarsbips and Art at that time, losed upon this illogical
Deror('THATRA BHANDAR LTD. reasoning, that the prospect of Government ons ployment.
whilo Indian cruft
4.1 College Squirre THE TRACKING ON THE FINE ARTS. I found one student in Madrne who had
CALCUTTA. 'Thn theory that Indian art is only ad. Leen d:awing A Stato Acholarship for 17
WHOLESALE & RETAIL mirable when applied to industrial pur years. I'roundly ho considered he was que WAR, and barbaric, or undevelopel, in lifying for an oklage peunion.
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