is rendered wholeheartedly by those there any sense of social rank in the utterly incapable of the virtues who perceive that ruled and ruler choice of the fag and his gurdian. The of the fatnily attaining to mukti. are working together for a common big boy may be the son of a tailor It is throngh perfect manhood end, collaborating in the demonstra- and his fag the son of a pont. They that we achieve that which is betion of single principle which know no other relation during their yond humanity and perfect man. commands their mutual nosent. wchool years than that of master Obedience which is not this, either and slave. Once the relationship patriot. The work can not attain in fact or in potentiality is not worth is established, the heir to an to that say the t'panishads. receiving. It is a fact that no man carldom hns to black the boots In that community which is made of & ungoverned in pulses can suc of the son of his father's shoe. one not by ties of blood and allicessfully exercise authority. One maker without demur. The very ance but by the intinitely subtle who wishes to bear rule has first to fact of sending a boy of ten or elven and spiritul bond of the common posses himself of certain amount of away from home to live amonget love for the common home, a man self-control. Truc obedicnco in boys who are not of his own kinmust plny his part. Freedom with founded on respect for character. dred shows the value which the in the nation is not freedom to in. It follows from the mutualness of English place on the life that lies ter into this duty or remain outside: this object that the highest forms of outside and beyond the family. it is freedom to inake obedience or rules theoratically are those in which the boy who lives at school has alauthority onr own, nccording to subject and goverign occasionally ready begun to make his own way. that for which we are best fitted change places. From this point in the grout world apart from his And freedom for a nation, amongst of view the republic is the supreme family. He early learns the reser the comity of nation is to stand unpolitical form. There are other as- ve and privacy that belong to the fettered in its quent for self-expres pect of the question, however, which deeper emotions. He cultivaten Rion. mako a permanent monarchy pre- whelo new series of reintionships and tically disirable. England and practises the courtesies and res- A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL some other western countries have traints as well as the daring and
EDUCATION. compromised very ingeniously personal pride that are due to these. between these two institutions by He is in fact an individual begin.
SIMULTANEOUS AND SUCCESSIVE the establishment of what is known ning to catch a glimpse of his own
TEACHING as constitutional monarchy, where powers, dreaming great dreams an
CHAPTER IV. the actual government is in the to his own future and gaining ex. A very remarkablu fenture of hands of the people through their perience daily in the exercise of his 1 modern training which hns been political parties and the alvisery personal freedom. The fault of the subjected in India to reductio ad Cabinets, while the necessities of training lies undoubtedly in the absurdum is the practicu of teachsymbolisin and ritual are met by brutality and unscrupulousness which ing by snippets. A Mubject in the royal house in which the sove- it is npt to engender. It breeds taught a little ntn time, in conjunc. rign himself represent national men who may be left in safety with tion with a host of others, with stability and unity, behind the our silva, but are utterly without the rosult that what might be well fluctuations of party.
rextrining morality about the poli- learnt in a single year is badly The political system in England
tical rights of others. A man who learned in seven and the boy goes is only the crown of an immense life has been through an English boys' out ill-equipped, served with im. of disciplined and coordinated co
school is npt to think that might is perfect parcels of knowledge, master operation. It is in this giving them right and that to what is not ma- of none of the great departments their immense capacity for demo- terial and coner to the laws of of human knowledge. The system cratic organisation at a moment's morality do not apply. That theme of education wlupted by the Nile notice that the actual superiority of are the fulty of their education the tional Council, an imphibious and Englishmen lies and not in personal whole of the history of their conn- twy-nature creation, attempts to qualities. They breathe the at- try whows.
heighten this practice of teaching mosphere of this disciplined co- Yet strength is good and civic by snippets at the bottom on the operation from their very crulle. and national unity is good; public niddle and suddenly change it to They study it on the criket field order based not on force or fear, grandi Mpecialisin at the top ind in the football tean. They but on the inutual respect and good This is to bago the triangle on its are broken in to it by the fag wys will of ruler and ruled is also apex and hope that it will stand. tem. Every small boy when he quoil, nay, even rasentin ton 'The old system was to tech ana arrives at school becomes the fag of kind. What is known a political or two subjects well and thuroughly a big one who acts 4 his freedom is not perhaps the absolute and then proceed to others, and protector against all others goal. Yet it is relative duty of certainly it was a inore mtional though he bullies and thrushes himn such ignity and muk that without kysten than the modern. If it did and makes him fetch and carry for it men are rot altogether men, just not impart so much varied informahimself like the veriest slave, nor is 119 we can not conceivo of one tion, it built up a deeper, nobler
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