been no law left in England. The 1 nounlly, of course, in- have renounced all consideration People, in fact, were born.
cludes this; but here we cannot of sucerns or failure is well criticista The Birth of the People.
think that the individual Indian is of passing events. Ours is only to
in any way inferior. Indeed, man recognise the significance of one But nown llous thing comes for man, it might be held that the
leaving tesults to take care of themto light. The qualities which the
comparison worked the other way. selves. English had hitherto tonnifisted ng
And we think that the The real superiority lies in a cere significance of speech would be inindividuals, as a ruling class, they
tain idea, good or bad as we may creased if otir countrymen would now began to demonstrate nya nu
choose to think, which makes the cerse lightly to any tion. And perhaps the most pro
that their nnity and cohesion of the English motherland requires Regeneration, minent of these characteristics was
people. For good or for evil, they and adopt the moro accurate state a clear and definite notion of what
stand or fall together. Did they ment that she certainly needs selfthey wanted. About this, they
abandon the war in South Africa were all agreed-greed to n man.
when they met with defeat after This is the most remarkable feature
defent? No, they set their teeth in the English character. harder, and growled the louder
A THEORY OF They know what they want and
and--held on. Would that I they all want it. They all act
FREEDOM. hnve been Emperor of the English! automntically and instinctively, at
exclaimed Napoleon in the honr of whatever distance from cach other, defeat. "The Retreat froin Mos
There is no such thing as absoon this unspoken agreement amongst cow would not have cost me a single
inte freeden for the individual, themselves. There is an immense vote !"
except in mukti. Yet the indiviaren of thought, feeling and action,
dual bas always striven for relative throughout which every Englishnan The contrast
freedom in all directions. By this behaves exactly like every other
The contrast between India and
struggle for freedont which he Englishman. The thing they want England in this respect is the con
can understand, he makes himself is not always very high. In the trast between an island and a con
ready for the supremo effort, by reign of Elizabeth they were continent, between the Middle Ages
which he will one day gain the abtented with very modest allowand the mechanical self-orgnninn
solute liberty or mukti itself. Each ance of religions freedom, and the tions of modern country, on the
one of the minor forms of freedern right to explore the world and exone hand, people of a single tribe,
is an image or symbol of that pand their trade. The point is that who tribal jealousy in auch that
Tranneendent Freedoni, and as such they all want it. And they all have a they could not ruralginate with
has the same claim upon the rerer definite idea of how it is to achieved. the Irish or the Welsh and have
once, even of those who do not unThe entranchised pensant is, in
only partially done so with the derstand it as AB image of God, this respect, only one voice Scotch, because the latter are better
worshipped by others, has upon one more added to the House of
traders than themselves ; on the who doch not worship it. The man Peers. Whnt he wanted was other hand an aggregation that
who cease freedlou without striving 1 vote, not the chance to do has been growing since the dawn
for it is in so far, a bit son), for he something great with this voto!
of humanity; racer triber, lan- passes by the open door of mukti. Between themselves there may be
gunges, traditions and thonsand There are two ways in which Homething that requires adjustment
other elements of enrichinent, any freedom of any kind cnn he manito the world ontwide, there are
of which may be treated as a sourco fested when it is present. Thus merely two Englishmen where be.
of unity or disunity, nt will. There are renunciation and comuest. That fure there with one. All this is
is no comparison between the two which we would conquer, we munt natural, perhaps in an island
problems. The English has been first understand. We have to enter people, and people who have even winpler than that of Japan.
into it, to wrestle with it or given never lost their independence. The Indian is very chitterent
termy, to offer our very lives to it They understand well enough how matter. What is a different,
A last to win the victory. necessary this is to fillness of self
however, is the relative national Every BU1CPA r chat at least expression. Nothing would induce
Mtrengths ww be volved by its suht one human sacrific Mastery thein to play with it. Unlew luxLion. Here there can be no come
kind of freedom. We CAD ury and wealth have changed their Marison. Let the Indian millions
nos defeat that whicb bu ut in its whole chantcter, they would diu lo
oncu rrive ut simple, power. 1.11n, nye, and to woman, in de
unitu ide of what they fence of it.
Neither can we retronnce what nood and men to have and nothing we have not conquered. We can English Superiority.
in the world coull resist them. not be independent of a thing which Thus the quality that some think this possibiu. Some is admittedly strong than we.lu is referred to or creellence think it impossible. With this renunciation, we wttain true free. is not merely physical courge. I question we hnve nothing to do. Wodom, for in reuneiation we tranBEWARE IMITATION
scend strength as well as weakness. But of these two things there can
be no qnestion that we leads. SPECIFIC FOR downwards into deeper bondage
and liberdy; nor can anyone be in
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