the good of oer roligfon, T place this y more besutiful than most wan; And Ramakrishhe, in the transport of his wat Apiritul ideal before you. Judgementally, nrore fucinating Ho had spirit, forgot her, untit several y
in not through me. I am only a werk rich nurient voice and magnetic per. afterwarde she stood before him in the instrument. Let not Tin character benonality. Those who attended his lecl perfection of beauty. Falling At her judred by seeing me. It w no great, tores were deeply impressed with his feet, he cried: "I bave reverenced all what I or any one of his dinciples, if we eloquence.
eloquence. Coming
Coming from
from India, Al
India, women mother, but I am at your bent hundreds of liver, could not do country of romance and mysticinin, his service. However, the young bride justice to millionth part of what He luctures were replete with Oriental ima refused to recall the soul of her hunland rally was. Judge for yourselves : in the
gery. Ile gave an impetur to Vedanta to earth, and became one of his ment heart of your heart is the Eternal Wit. movement which has since become wide ardent discipler. Tine and may the same Ramkrishn prend in Amerius.
Swami Vivekananda poewerned an earn. Para unhamen, for the good of our nation,
w for the good of our nation, Swami Vivekananda came to ti with ent on that stimulated enthusiasm in the for the welfare of our country, and for morge. He taught the greatness of the minds of his andeute. "Are you mal the good of humanity, open your hearts, philosophy of India. He taught the se After truth was one of the questions make you true and sterly to work for crets of health and happiness, an attained ho would ask of those who sought to tha inmenso change, which must come, through a well-orderedd, spiritual life. Become initiates of the Vedanta phil. whether we work or not. For the workHe gave the message that strengthened sophy and partakers in ita lentitudes of the Lord doce not wait for the likes those who were dincouraged. He gave Ho lunght the preliminary virtues of of you or me. He can rain His workers the student new Aspirations. Do en un llon, purity, the forgiveness of from the dust by hundreds and thou- larged men's narrow views and imbuod injurier, fuith in the invisible ideal, and BA' It is a glory and privilege them with a broader comprehension of worship of the Father Mother who
dwelling is in the Spiritual soul of that we are allowed to work nt all duty.
The Suami was a disciple of the Ma- hunianity. under 1Tim.
haema, Ramakrishna. There is an interes. 1 If it be true that nature in uniforma
ting story about this great Yogi which in all her works and so far no human THE TEACHING OF kiven an insight into the powerful in. experience has contradicted it if it he
Agence of this philosophy or religion true that the knibe la v prevail through SWAMI VIVEKANANDA
over the mind of its devotee. A out the universe, then, an it has been
knall child, Ramakrishna was marle a sail in the Vedas "knowing one lump
urteniple prout The Ver Tinught, an American jour temple print in the temple
in the temple of the
of the of clay we know the nature of all the
Mother of B nal publishes the following: This show
a t Kali There he
clay that is in the univerwe." "Takeup how rapidly the Vedantie thoughts are hang and wept and prayel to the Coll.
one little plant and study its life anul spreading over that country.
deam of the lindur and arvel the silen of its mytoly, and we know the During the Wall Inir there came lent image with Awwers. The boy bp. Tuniverne.
swami Vivekananda, tre to Chiengo. wami Vivekananda, e tru- c ame PORSCHA'd of a great desire to know The Swami taught that everyone
the Vedanta philosophy, wiich if there Wi n dly Mother of Shine exit throughout eternity: thunt mething in the works oll. religion. How in the universe. Day after day and
can be created or destroyed, inhe APNIK the most mest interesting ture At that night after night lo pred and wept of emning
of coming out of nothing, of of pung est famou (longrun of Religions which calling upon her to manifest herself to
back to nothing. Only the movement formed such a notable feature of the him, which, in time she did. The poo
is in succeeding me and how World's Fair of 1993. His picture le of the bioghborhood thought hin
going back to fine forms, coming l low turl, and beautim , od to divert hin mind tried
into large proportion. The band w ing". him a w
young girl of live years. the attention of every
from the tsk. lemes from the ww.
l maa
l ....
beautiful bid
lives its life the one who him. He was phyni al nurriage was in reality a betrothal, and
dice, lentik mily
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Turian Jamila