The Indian idea of personal free the dominador of the civitas and to show one's devotion to bim. dom is an iden developed in the the family respectively. The two | The vocabulary is enriched. One family, conpoting the freedum of peoples approach the question of love an older brother; but follows the unit. A seen against mannor from opposito extremo one's captain to the very scaffold, the communal background of infi- Yot the fact remains that the evolu. Pride arides in one's own courage nite patience and love. The wholotion of strict forms of etiquette and dogged sense of discipline. Indian character is adjnsted to this is s neoonity to the growth of One rejoices in the consciousness
onception. By the fervent co- great public life. The common citizen of cold and rearved exterior. operation of the whole race, during of the future must bave the training beneath which burn volcanic fires. thousands of year, for ita realise that at present is peculiar to kings. Manu inake clear enough what tion, thome deep insights have been Wherever we look, we shall see
sball see is to be the overwhelming virtue gained into God and love and that etiquette and the civie life go of the civio life. It is the passion human tendornos which make together. The civilisation of Islam
for justice. For we must rememIndian poetry and philosophy nois based on an intertribal inter
ber that the citizen is the king wonderful and no compelling. Even course which demanded constant democratised. Even as the Brahmin wilfulness and rebellion imply the courtesy. Hence the statelines is the ideal, for those whone only faith that he against whom I sin, i. of Mahommedan manners. The conception of social forma in the inalienably mine.
Yollow Races have a genius for church, or samaj. so the Kshatriya How marvellous is this truth etiquette, and a genius also for becomes the type for those who The saints, in Europe, have had civic organisation. Ancient Rome,the would realise the civitas. Dharina. glimpses of it. Saye St. Teresa : most constructive power over soen justice, the national righteousless * As the fish lives and moves and in history, owed much to her inheri- in the philosophy of the public life. breathes in water, so is it true that tance of yellow blood. Indian na. Ita thakoor is the banner : carth we live and move and even sin, in tionality can only be the result of and water its holiest symbols: the God." But this is a flash of illu- warm and constant cooperation Pooplo and the Soil the watch mination, single heart, or between persons of various provin word in every hoart. moment of ecstatic inspiration. In cos, faiths, castes and races. Such Such are the developments that India, a nation understands it. A intercourse demands in the first have to be added to the evolution deep ocean of love, consciously place an exquisite regard for others
which India has already attained. realised, in spite of all the haughti- and stern respect for self. Every And on her side what she has achiev. nose of the minnows swimming institution carries its own idealism. od is now to be imparted to the on its surface, is tho explanation to him who worships the civiton, world. The perpetual alternation of the life of the Indian family. the disciplined character is the of opposites is the law of the uni.
But this marvellous vision in con- idenl. Chaotic disobedience is con verse, and an alternation of ideals conitant to a spoilt-child ideal of temptible, worthy only of the sub- includes in its realisation all that personal freedom for which the human. True freedom is seen as solfis noble. civic life has no place. The whims control, self-direction, and mutain.
R. J. and caprice that are so beautiful ed nower of Aelf-sterrenuler. Obeto the lover, would be intolerable to dience to the right person must be WONVERSATIONS OF THE DEAD. the kindest and warmest of fellow instinctive, urbroken; submission citizens or fellow-soldiers. Unbroken to the wrong must never occur.
TURIU. URIU. self-restraint is the essential condiTo bring up a disobedient child
00tion to be fulfilled by those who wonld be a disgrace. Yet the fruit
TURIU. would practise a civic constructive- of this early training is not to be Goddess Leda who from heaven ness. Here comes in the impor. mervility but discrimination and descendent, how beautiful are thy tance of etiquette, as the protection reeponsibility; that is to say, in feet us they gild the morning. of the public life. Europeana practise every act of obedience there is to be The roses of Earth are red, but the the severest forms of etiquetto in the freedom. an appraisement of the touch of vermilion with which thy family itself, the you employed by lawfulness of the authority and the foet stain the heavens, in redder,-- them between brothers, and sisters righteousness of the act required. it is the crimson of love, the glory corresponds to apna; and they! To him who worships the civitas, l of Tunion. cannot understand why there again, there is a whole series of Goddess Lode, look down upon should be rudeness to one we love. new relationships created, round men with gracious eyes. The The Indian, on the contrary, would which his emotions and bis imagi. clang of war is stilled, silent the be cut to the heart by formality nation centre. Names liko leader, hiss of the shafts and the shields and distance of manner from comrade, follorser, follow oitison, clamour no more against each other his intimates; and would feel countryman, fellow-worker DOW in the shock of the onset. We that this showed desire to set become instinct with life, It is have hung up oar swords on the him outside barrier. These two no longer necessary, or even desir walls of our mansions. The young opposite ways of Pooling come from able to call & man brother in order men havo returned unhurt. the
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