from'thon on Be Jower typen
TUTTI And of Him bort the time Ime UNOTION FSCHOOLS et Mirrore o and the mind and, the organ i sor ART IN INDIA , inticipatie worth 1 khong the din and of Himi Ether And Air and in the Jour hy Spiowyof Arth people, there are tocmid naay difer Light, and Water, 400+, Farth, that
Tehnt for Juda, 1909, there is printed leotany Stages of culture, and t oborralle holdeth all.. ..
T ," dollvered balón' the Society in London that "Anglo-Zodinde taually study *
below Fire in the hourl of. Him, His On May 27th, by Mr. Cecil Burne, Konerulino, from the
Printipal of the Sir Jammit jee Jeejees . Ruror aprire to her fibroid ryente tha Ain Anil the moon, the
thing Behool of Art in Rembay.. idea of Indian "jewellery from the bi quartors are for organi.
The wholmattori: T iraportid
e triber. The goldamith of Southern the placripture is Hlja spagah: Ance in relation to the monomic faturn
Indis, or the enatneller of Jaipur, bak Air W Hoa brench, the TIbivene of India, and the monal and intellectna! much more to teach than to lear
School of Art-and I have heard art niammad Faith Hj footing: Het galance and value of Indian Nation is the soll within Wierentures. Alion, for India and for the world. teachers in England en die From time time of which I Whow nothing whatever directly of 1.gnt such teachers it the Mr. Burns himself. It reen to me
Mr. Burns, again, complains of the the anni che fuel Hain that ariaeth that he speaka na one who is ineere,
mixture of hurer metals with Indian from the wing of the Gloda and herbe enthusiastic,' and well-intestinded; hat
silver, and contrats this state of affairs
with the hallmarking" at "Goldamith's that grow upon the earth, and man. I think that he, Rod his papil, are that putath, his need into a woman; equally victims of Raystem and
Hall" in London, which guarantees the
point Inititudinean. Are the creatorce of view which are likely to coutinte in quality of English Plate. No the future as in the past, to destroy the
though Mr. Burno admit that "the that ard born out of the Purusha.
European visitor has been the means of ponibility of sincerity, imagination and 1 6. Proin Him hre.the hymna of!
encouraging the fault, most noticable in individuality in art, whether in Europe
the Indian wilversmith" he does not the Rig vods, and the Saran And
or in India. the Yajur, and initiation, and all I have twice visited the Bombay
quite realise the significance of the de offering and gifts, and every patent School of Art, and on each occasion was
gravintion of standard he refors to xixcrifice, and the year, and the lord impressed with the entire lack of inspi
1'erhaps the following story will explain ration, the drenry futility of nearly all
that signifrance the offering, and the world, and
batter :-"Formerly,"
My Sir George Birdwood, " that will going on. The whole regime,
grent where the Moon puzibeth, and
industry in from ideals to methods, like the educa
gold-embroidered aboer where.che Sun.
Annriched at Lucknow. They were in tion provided in Misionary achenis and 7. And from Him are many
demand all over India, for the native contemplated in official Universities, was kinds of Gods produced, and the
Kings of Oudh would not allow no entirely un-Indian, An to explain at
the deiniginis, and the bensts and the
shonmakers to be any but puro gold onco tho dullness of the results. It is
wire the irony of fate that the one Schol of
on them. inde ud the bronth and the ne-
But when Art built and endowed by an Indian,
annexed the kingdom, all ther broth, and grain of rice and
HWA faith and truth should be the lost Indian in aims and
Teatrictions tree remond, and the bazuar grain of barloy, and faith and truth methods
of Oudh were at once Booded with the and rule and holiness:
Mr. Burns' own acquaintance with pinchbeck einbroidered shoes of Delhi. And the seven breaths are born Indian Art Heems to be entirely endemic.
and the Lucknow whoeruskors were I do not remember that there wm * swept away for over by the besom of of Him, and the seven tongues of single good Indian printing on the walls
free trade." Again the Hame, and the fuels and the
Sir W. LAWRC of the school. However, I may illus writes of Srinagar trader. "The stato wven otterings, and the seven worlds trate the point by a referenre to jawel
excercised vigorvus nupervision over in which the breaths whose chamlaty. No one presenting any serious
the quality of the raw material and the her in the heart, move and have knowledge of Indian Jwellery cowd
manufactured article. In the good day her being; they are placed in peak of the massive proportions and of the shawl trade no mpurious wool WA
primitive character of Indian jwellery." # even by Boron,
brought in from Amritsar. Lo be mixed Mr. Burns is probably acquainted only
with the real shawl-wool of Contral Asia 9. Aud of Him are tho seas and with wneh jewellery A he has soon in
and wop betide the wester who did bad all the mountains; from lin flow museum, where Anthropologists collect
work or the silvorauith who was too il sorts of rivers, and all herbs are
together whatever is primitivo and bar. liberal with his alloy. Thernú nich nuper from Him. and sensiblo delight arous, to the exclusion of what in Tofined
to the exclusion of what in rofined vurion nowadays.,' Again, it is only in which makoth tho soul to inhabit and deliente. It in Donnenno to talk
tbo Native state of Kashmir at the prethis house builded of the olemonts of the "lighter and more delicate styles of
sent day that the importation of aniline workmanship of Europe." There are dyes is prohibited, everywhere else they 10. For tho Purusha is all this
hundrede of goldsmith in India who have been allowed to do their destructive thit is. He is work and self-discipline
can execute fino work in gold, aucb as lew, work unchecked, Brahman and the Supreme perhapeno Eftopean crutaman could Now what is this 'hall marking of that is beyond 'mortality. Ofrir initate. Bir Cieorge Berdwood, indeed, which Mr. Burus sperkt It is nothing ), who weth this that is hidden in long, NGO, contrasted the delicate work. more than the last forlorn rolic of the
m aship of Indian jwellery, where the once universally, excerolsed power of the nown hoart, rendoth avon in this
cost of work nadship is in very high pro.' English guilds to protect the standard of B y the knot of the Ignorange.
portion to that of the value of the mate production, and this relio in upheld by I rials with the much heavier and cluin- law. There is no reason wby the prevent
rulers of India sbould not have continued BAJRLIESWAR BHANDAR. RW RAJESWAR BHEEN BHANBAR. to the bride guild. the support bieb 202, BUWBAXAR STREET.. Office-18-4, AKRUR Durt's LAN
they recited under Indian Kings; there CALAUTTA.
TS LANE, LJ bo rapon why some guarantee of standStore house. all genuine Swadeshi
Swadeshi Oundhaly-34, Bowpari S Owadhina
t urdabould ask through the still existing goode .
uilds, be puforud for Indian silverwork. Wbol ale iud retail dealers dider Striotly Shartrip and cheapest Tbiri xam on parhapu--that Englishortiem aud commission Agent.. Ayurvedic Firm. Our Makardhawi men do not deeply care for the future Bunu drolho bunt and coorpool. Chalanpr .Shbuxaladys, Ghrill of Indian A Wat sales at the facuity
ndwewe think and Barbudananda Moduk ana winri1 Didare executod promptly
ananda Modyk any, wnri much about the matter, b is eruel at
valled. For particolo apply for pho maçoe nime to pass the Indiapcrete Tuale poligited. for.ahlr catalogue
moko with the degradation of his standard,