of various positione
pratain alcutta about the, tain of the
for ou arms And certainly the
d the westen. tione
Site gonerally in i Anehndy
inntiling, He w tible, omnipresent. It is this which
rootilidt and w h
a drewed in
ll bid bhotwhich orixinally
roforred to
holl whieb oricinely w w the Womb of creatures anges to white and had warni Wrapper throw
over the upper part of bla Indy The Tu Team. All sides of them behold.
. court was wrongly guarded by police
warded by poliar Blue the area of the the 7. As the spider createth and under the supervision of Superintendeu Jati lioutová
10th Haultin, gathereth in agnin, wherbe spring
AXTER HEARING THN EVIDENOK. The svry without retiring usapiniously
ruginrent Weapot yet give the neup upon the earth, as the hairs of found ibe accused gnilty of inarder.
ture of the back the body grow from a living man,
against the Arrested His Lordship in ing sentence
men but wany, that none of very mid:
laitut yotr no in this universe all proceedeth
Birendra Nath Dutta Gupte, yon have
can learn the
By far an we
men been found guilty by the winnimoun doprired of u armad out of the Imntable.
at de tinio verdict of the jury of the murder of
Volunteers were det med bull *. Hy energy at work the BrahMoulvi Shaniw-ul Alum, and the sentention Yewterday.
towbi. ce of the court is that you will be man extendeth itself, and from the
takeu from this place to the place whence of moldina who hail from th e Brahina is born walter, and out you come and next to the place of ex. vincer And wh
vinces and while the rumours have been
.Upper Pro. Gaution and there to be hanged by the of Matter cometh the lifebroath
spreading they have been quietly gettine neck until you are duad.
their beJunging together to be Fendy for and mind and truth and the worlds
unexpected departure. On Saturday laat RAJENDRAPUR TXATX DACOITY (AAK
one Kavildar and thirty and and the law of immortality in
of the 24th
the Surendra Chandra Chikimity, An in. P atie took charge of the Law work.
habitant of Madhyapur' in Bikrampur, sarly this morning the 10th
has been arrested at Habiganj and boat for sind: 9. He that is omniscient and
brught to lacca, upder police escort. Out of the ten wuen who had been . full-comprehending, of whom know.
. whom know. This Arrest, to, to understood to be in tud originally three were there connection with Rajendrapur trria da
released and tive more tine, making a to. lodge in the force and the energy, coity.
tal of eight of the two remaining a He is that out of which Brahman The Public Proneontor, applying for two
Havildar named Choone had a wepoy day's time to produce inuie identifying named Nurjan bave been mantan cometh, and from him Naine and witnesses, the hearing of argument for
Court Martial to one year's imprisonment bail on behalf of Silanath Day Him
In the regiment. Itse enquiries go to Form are born, and from College student, arrestou. in connection
show that there is much dejection at the Matter beginneth. with Rajendrapur train dacoity care, las
stignia cnnt on the good nane of the rebeen ontponed to the 28th instant
kinout by the provence of edition to evet
o anuall an etbent Anong their ranke. TENALI Boxy Canx. At the High Court, Justions Henson
The men declare that they are not at all and Abdul Rahim delivered two separate sorry to love Calcutta but feel the dis
and distinct judgmenta in the appeal preHaust COURT OUTLAUK ferrod by Chukkerpullo Ramin, one of
grace of the circumstances that have led Hirand Nauth Dutta Gupta, aged the accused in
to their being the Tenali Homb cwie.
rent Away, They also .. .
d with the mur | TWA ACCUned WR convicted by the Senatons point out that since only ten men were ar. de at Debuty Yuperintendent Shama-ul Judge of murder and sentenced to death.
rested and two actually septenced they Alum, WH placed on his trial at the M. Justice Benson in a lengthy judg. lligh urt ' ion on the lat before ment confirmed the conviction under sec.
might not to be conderuhed in public the Chief Justic and specil jury com- tion 308 and the sentence of death. Mr. Atimation ma body for the deeds or JNINEd of tive Europeans and four Justice Adbur Rahimu alwe delivered
Actions of so small a proportion of their lengthy judgment altering the conviction indinti.
The prisoner who lookou pale but And Mentencing the Apeslut to three number. calm and unconcerned entered the dock yo' rigorous imprisonment. Owing to
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