- W
incartuation" his poception of Law of their divine mission. This somo | ities of the Euroman is essentially organic and evolu- what limited view was only natural The French Revolution for tionary. It works for an Aim,
to him. He stood fnce to face with thing, had not yet completely workdefinite in the end, but progressively
Europe. His Enrope, Aguin, was
Europe His Krope, again, was ed ithelf out. People still fondly vouloil in its clvnnce wwurds that the Europe it to leavened by
clung to the old moswage of rankinfinal end. Such a law muat needs
the French Illumination. The ind ividualinin, w * sving principlo have
dinto wollen before biu me thing by which
wag in political, cconomic, and social it can be progressively in.
the liberation of Italy. The Vision life. The old sbibboleth--liberty. terpreted and verified. This sume. that inspired him was that of are equality and frateruity, still held thing in, tu Mazzini. Humanity, jnsented Italy, rising to claim almost absoluto away over the This conception of Humanity is once more her old place in the ten minds of the "advanced" thinken perfect. It is not more abstraccher and leader of Europe. He did
and workers in every European tion, on the one hand, nor is it a not realise that Italy had already country. The conservative elemepta mero mechanical and numerical playeul out her part in the recons. of Society, everywhere represented whole, on the other, It is an organ- | trnction of European life and mainly by the ruling classer, is whole: "the collective and con- thought, through the Renaissance. were deeply distrustful of the new tinuons Being that mums up and But whntever might be the place of idens and movements among the rumprehrwin the crowiny wrien | Italy in this new reconstruction of people. And they were all over of rynir arrutim." It in the Europe, Mazzini'general ideal and Europe secretly and wiloptly connenrost approach to our own concep- philosophy of Humanity was, in bined in a crusade against the new tion of Humanity. In our langu. their practical applicntion, confined forcer, let loune nipun suciety by the nge and liternture the concept Hu- to thut continent alone. Ania bad not French Revolution. Mazzini saw. manity in conveyed by NA Ayanayet vitally entered the area of with the prevision that God gives to Nariyana is the soul of all organic European thought. Mazzini had his prophets, both the linitations creations:-SarvulchinAta Atma; the hardly any moral and wpiritual con- of the French gospel is well as a Witnu of all the countless workels: sciolines of that portion of huma- genernl outline of the new ideal of -- Akhilalokanakshi; the Eternal nity. His general ident and philo- the world. Not we really his contemBeing who pervades the whole of sophy of humanity, though quite poraries. The time was not ripe yet the human rnce, abil cunstitutes capable of ns much application to for it. And visions like these, that their onnontinl unity, and stands be the larger life and more complex come to those who are in advance of hind human history as the nece-hury problems of Axin to 'thone of their age always remain mere intui logic of human evolution and pro- Europe, was, however, practically tions which, however inspiring and KTEN. It is the same as the Christ applied to the Intter only. And, elevating they may be, are yet vaIdent conceived by philosophical therefore, the larger illumination gue and undefinod, like the herald Christinnity.
thnt always follows the nppliction of dawn in the first suspicion of * Mazzini's conception of Humani
of even universal principles to fresh glow on the eastern horizon. ty is perfect, and approaches both and wider field, could not come to
Such, indeed, was Mazzini's the highest Hindu and Christinn the noble, and essentially correct,
vision of the future dawn. He was ilea of it. Hat owing to the limi- ubiception of humanity that Mazzi. like John the Baptist, in the tutions of his time and environni had. His moorge failed, consc.
Christian Dispensation, proclninmenta, he was not able to fully
quently, to be a worid-inensage. ing the death of the old ora, un work out this perfect idea in the
The application even failed in prepuring his world for a 4 new, the Achetne of his nationalism. Practi.
Europe, Europe hne not yet been full signiticance of which even he cally his vision did not go beyond trainer and disciplined for this himself did not coinpletely realise, Europe. Italy was to be the initin- lofty gospel. It had, as yet, very while the multituces about him, tor people; Europe was be the field little vital refurence to the actunl
vaguely apprehensive of a change, yet hardly dared to trunfer their
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