confasion to confusion. Statesmanship self-restraint in repressive the frankly socialistic eleman'. they never had.but even common angel legislation by the Government, English progrernire opinion... to departed from them. The Indian And A great Amonnt of state of things has never be people mule a fair offer of peace and courage. Relf-contrint, resolution existed in English politics and a alliance to them at the beginning ond welf-sacrifice on the part of the
few years ago it wonld have been of the movinent by including goods people. It appears we cannot count thought impossible. Practically, prodnend in Indon through Euro on any of these conditions. The
Socialist opinion will rule England pean enterptise and with European rise of a mvolutionist party fanati- Ro long as the Asquith ministry capital as genuine wuleshi gonde; rally opposed nlike to the continu.
lasts and, if the Socialists are wisely but instead of securing their future ance of the British connection and
guided and refinin from abusing interests and position by standing to peaceful development makes our
their opportunity, they will be able in the forefront of the political and policy yet more impossible. A
to take such steps in the modificaindnstrial development of India, triangular content hetween violent tion of British politics as will enthey have preferred to study their revolution, penceful Nationalist
sure the triumph of Socialism in momentary carte interest and oppone endeavour and bureaucratic reaction
England at no distant date. Not the welfare of the country to which is an impossible position and would only will the Covornment depend they owe their prosperity. As a make chaos more chaotic. Any ac
for its very existence on the Labour punishment God hne deprived them tion at the present moment would
vote, but it will depend for its of reason. They are 'hacking at bo il!-advised and possibly disnstrous.
safety on Irish support. If there. She roots of British investment and The Government demand coopern
fore, the Irish also are wisely guid. riving blind- tion from the Molerutes, silenced and do not press the fnvoumble v towarily the frontion of more from the Nationalists. Let us mittisfy
situation too far, the long delayed incent and inarchy in the conntry. them and Int there be no notion
concession of Ilome Rule is a cerThey are imprilling a future which on our part which can be stigma
tainty within the next two years. inn still by mu ved by, fannticul nt- tied as embarrassing the authorities
Necessarily, the success of the tachment to a pont which is doomed in their struggle with Terrorism. Irish and the Socialists can bear no Ti they could look at politics with The self-restraint of our party after fruit unlong the veto of the House of the eye either of the statesinan or the conviction of Mr. Tilak was Lords is annulled or a new eloctive of the man of business, they would rewarded by the break-down of Mo
Upper Chainber takes the place of Ch, that neither their political nor deralism after it had undisputed the present absurd and antiquated their commercial interests can be control of the prese and platform institution. We have not therefore perved by n vain attempt to hold for almost a yenr. A similar self- erred in forecasting a democrtic this vnt country by pressing restmint will be equally fruitfil now. revolution in England as the in
led heel on the throats of the Rovolution paralynes onr efforts to levitable result of the netion of the people. The pride of race, the ar- deal percefully but offectively with House of Lords in rejecting the rogance of colon, a bastard mor- Repression; Repression refuses to al Budget, or, as they cuphemistically cantile inperialistn are poor 'Aube- low un to cut the ground from under put it, referring it to the country. titutes for windom, uttamanship the feet of Revolution. Both demand Mr. Balfour has recognized that the and common sense. Undoubtedly, a clear fold for their conflict. Let verdict of the United Kingilom they may induce the Government 118 therefore stand aside, sure that has boen given in favour of the to wilence and suppress, to imprison Time will work for us in the future Budget and against Tariff Reform. and deport till all tonguich are as it has done in the past, and that,
The real issue is now, what it hunhed and all organisations are if we bear faithfully the burden should have been throughout, the zabolished-xcept the voice of tho
voice of tho of the ideal God has lnill upon us,
of the ideal God has Inid upon us, reform, abolition replaceinent of bomb and the revolver, except the our trour Inny be delayed, but not the House of Lords. Nutterranean organisation that, liko denied to us for ever. .
When the clections were in it supprorood disease, breaks out
progress, Mr. Asquith committed the more you drive in its symptoms. THE ELECTIONS.. himself on the question of Home Have they over contemplated the
Rule, and, even if he wished to
The great election is over, the posibility of that reault of their
draw back from it, in face of his Dicavours--the possiblity thnt
first in England which has been dependence on Labour and Irisli their contusion of Nationalism with
of Nationalism with fought on constitutional issues since votes he can no longer retreat. Terrorisin may be ignorant and
the sing of the Reform Bill'in All that he hus done is to qualify prejudiced, and that the monsures the earlier part of the nioeteenth
his promise of a final solution of the thiry Mulouste, may only dostroy the
century. The forces of reaction Irish question by stipulating that om force that can now stand be.
have put forth their utmost strength it shall contain provision for the ween tudix and chaoh'
ud, in the result, bave only suc- supremacy of the Imperial Parliato the people also we have a last
condod in junt equalising their ment is well as local autonomy of
own numbors with those of the word to say. We have always ad
* liberal character for the Irish official Liberal party. This partial vocutcu opel agitation, a manly
nation. This means not only the BUCCCS will be more fatal to the restriction of all Imperial questions wpiration towards freedow, 4 stoary
cause of reaction than a 'dcfent. [wliby of independent, welf-sustaig
to the province of the Parliament For, in the coming Parlisinent, the od action and peaceful resistance to
meeting in London, but the deci.
' Toelen the repression of legitimato activi. Liberal Ministry will be dopondont sinn of anestian. ties. That polioy was only possible for their very existence on the and England by the same body on condition of a cortaju amount of forty Labour votes that provont and possibly power of roto in