in history, in conSODADCO with the beyond contented noceptance of that mined to fight force by force. The in patience, violence and passion which exists. The revolutionists
effect on the Government seems to for concrete results which revolu- know this well and they have play have been of a character very little timary epochs generate. Theed their game with great skill and complimentary to British amagrowing strength of this party is not success.
manship. Faced by this menach difficult to explain; it is extremely Ourselvos.
to peace and security the only difficult to corobat.
Every established Corominent is device they can think of is to make Ne Butant.
bound to undicato a novennent peaceful agitation impossible. Their This party has two sides, the pro- of this kind and it will naturally first step has been to proclaim All paganda carried on in foreign use any means it thinks effective. India as seditious. Their secund in countries, and the Terrorist activity We recognise this nocessidy, but we to announce the introduction of always recrudcecent in our midst have no faith in the means the Gov. fresh legislation making vet mom 'The latter is the most formidablo in ernment and the Anglo-Indians stringent the already all-embracing the present, the former the most seern to favour. We aro dead
law of sedition. By these two mes dangerous in the future. Thengainst covering over an evil by sures free speech on press or platforeign propaganda wng first loented pretentions, sounding and hollow from will practically be interdict in London and confined to the speech and teasures; we do not ed, since the perils of truthfulness ringlo paper, tho Iulian Sociolo believe in a remedial systoin which will be so great that men will pregint, first an organ of Shyamji suppresses symptoms and lenves fer to take refuge either in a lying Krishnararma's Home Rule Society the roots untouched. All we can hypocrisy, or in silence. Frauknese, and opposed to all methods of vio- do is to stand Aside and let the honesty, self-respecting and truthlence. Thu cunvornion of Krishnal physician try his system--and this ful opposition in Indine politics are varnra to the Terrorism he oncu wo propose to do from hencefor- at an end. Tho spirit which diefiercely condemnod, has been a very ward. We have written this week tates the resort to these mensures important factor in the growth of in order to explain our artion and will inevitably manifest itself the now party. Tho propaganda our nttitude, but we shall abstain also in the proclamation ng illegri
of all svietics or organisations to spring at onco into an ubiqui- Indian politics or criticism of Gur- openly formed 'for the purpose of tous nctivity abrond. Fruin Paris crnntent and its mensures until training the strength of the nation Krishnavarim publishes the Indian more favourable and normal condi. by solid and self-rospecting politiSociologist; from Berlin & new
tione return. Wo only reserve cal and educational work towania organ, significantly self-styled the to ourselves the liberty of writing free nnd noble future. By the 'Calwar, issnes; in Genovn # paper once to point out the inmenso | law which gives the Government naming itself the "Bande Mata- difference between Indian condition that power of arbitrary suppression ram" busies itself with decrying
in inudern times and the historical associated work 18 rendered impia the policy of the defunct "Bando
predents on which the revolu- ble, though not is yet penalised Maturam" and denouncing its origi. tiuni tu rely;--for which we hart not If free speech, if free writing, it bator and former Editor : A prior mufficient space in this issue. With free ussociation is made impossible enlled tho Froe Hindustan maintains
this exception the rest is wilence. under the law, it is tantamount to itself in America. Wealthy men The Karmayogin was originally declaring a peaceful Nationalism und women stand behind these sturtod as werkly review intended illegal and criminal. corgans, the Kathiawar Krishnavar. to encourgo the habit of deep and Tbo effect of the recent answi ina, the Pursi Indy Mrs. Kanna and close thinking on all subjects and tions on the Moderate party has possibly others who do not adverwiden the intolloctual rango of tho been to throw them into a panic and tiso their names, Yonng men of people, giving an especial impor- demoralisation painful for any lover all nationalities in India. soom to tance to religion and the growth of of Indian manhood to witness. havo joined theme organisations and Mpirituality. The disproportionate is quite possible for an Indian poh vocasional pumphlets find their space allowed to current politics tician at this crisis to consider in a way into Endir in spite of the wns necessitated by tho absence spirit of worthy gravity Aud Norious vigilanco of the Post Office by of any politiet organ devoted to recognition of the isolles invulvet means funiliar to European revolu. that propaganda of peaceful Nation the best way of combating the evil. tionists. In India any violent alism in which we saw the only even if it involves cooperation with propaganda iy possible; violent way to healthy political developruent a Guvernment which persists in the action takes its placu anul the in Indin. Now that that way is represion of the national hopes and swift succession of attempted or barred by the legislator and the spiritious and seeks to compel successful outrages in Guzerat, Terrorist, we return to our w.iginal operativa y nuwure instead of Muhurahtra, Punjab and Bengal intention.
by winning the bwarts of the people. show that itt! Bement is not
But that is not the spirit shown by organisor, as in these foreign coun
Moderte organs and by Moderate trion, it is oually willesimod. The
THE SITUATION. lvaders. All that we can see i. very existence of such a conspiracy
I v ory serious crisis has been desperate und cowardly sauve quiBiunt parlyse all other forms and muced in Indian politics by the
peut, an attempt by every map te methods of national aspiration-isy revival of Torroist outrages and save himself and to burrovt under during the Covornment and tho the increasing evidences of tho a heap of meaningless worde. Wilt Anglo-Indian O munity into the oxistonco of an armed and denunciations of the revolutionary
prenon of everything that goes militant revolutionary party deter- instruments as fiende, dastarda, con