Hante la
.' book to Ajit slag nur I ever contributed Herbert Punto "Blutory of Englaid,"
to to i fropada The Punjab In Purce and Warm
Parmanand The cane ngulet Bhai
life of bopka The Phand with parnell," History of the French Revoluenme on for hearing befine Mr. Harrison,
on for me were to connection with politi inn "Life of Lather," "Modern Eu. Special Magistrate. The Mounod was cal asociation and political libnry roparvolutionary and political novels charged wge, w o
i wleb I fforded to start at Laborg in "Life of Ultrobill, Wall Industrial Il Procudo go. TWO Cowe, of the early part of 1907. Tbio neoclasien Demoeruey.","
. muretien etno forward a substitute and vu never etablished. It was project Continuing Lala Lajpat Rai wid-At were accepted by the Court
only. In my Mter dated 11th April the time I went there lettern to Kogland Mr. Lajpat Ral's Evidence
1907, there is an expresion which I beg I had not completed the soleme, but it Lala Lajpat Rai wan pinduced to explain. By the exprerion "Bupating Wan matured a few days after the letters prosecution witness in this car and iden
ont prematurely I went nothing more had reached England and the where we tified the two letter Aled the other day
than that the agriculturiat not being published in the papers. It was meant In the case of All Siagh w him writ
Accustomed to political pitation might only for Advanced student degree holders ten Bhal Parmanand in England.
not be able to carry on Hele agitation and lawyer Ra. 00 m ad minion fee Thirteen other letters were Aled by thọ
perofully. I was not all the way in and Re 100 M Annual mlmcription were preocution, two of which JAIA Lajpat
favour of political agitation amongat the conditions of menibership, Rai admitted to be in bis own handthe agrleultural population.
Lala Lajpat Rai further stated:- Till writing and addressed to Parmanud.
after my return from the deportation, I Asthe romsining elavando - Ngure
Questioned about Krisbus Van LAIR did not know that Shamji Krinhna Varmenta Bomo of them Lala JAJPAI Rai Lin Rai further stated: Shyamaj ma entertained any political views of vin. identified to be in the handwriting of Krohn Varm bis full name. He lence. After that I had nothing to do Parmanand. Io answer to questions
wan Dewan in several Native Staten in with Shamji." put by the Chovernment Advocate, Lala
India. Then be wont to England and in Bhai Permidand's , Mr. Besty. Lajpat Nai said: I am acquainted with
settled there where he founded the "In the City Superintendent of Poling almo one Mr. K Chowdhuri. I cannot identi
din Howa," for the wee of ladinn studento deposed regarding the merch of Parfy his handwriting. I have never receiv.
and other Iodiane I have no pronal manand's premises. The came was ad. cd auy letter from him to the best of my
eat of my knowledge that he is wanted by the journed to 90th January. knowledge. I got only one book to the lion in England." Dest of my memory from England ment Proposed Political Association. 1.y Bhai Parmanand. The name of the
Further questioned by the defence book was the "Nenosis of Natione." It
counsel Lala Lajpat Rni nated:-In was forwarded to my knowledge that Bhai Parmanand is connected with Ajit those day. I ww
ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA projecting an Associa
tion and a library. I had read in the Kingh or other work."
Founders of Steel Trunk Industry papers of Shamji'donation of Rs. 10,000 Mr. Lajpat Rai's Statement.
for the purpose of political propaganda in India, and I thought I would be able
in India Tal Lajpat Rai then made the follow. to get a donation from him out of that
ESTABLISHED IN ing statement on onth: -I never conspiraum for the purpose of my library. The ad with Allt Bingh or Pamanand a book that I wanted from England were Boot Machine made, Store painted.
of the nature a contained in the list Bled with anybody else for the dinsemination in this CAN And proved. They were of ISTRUL TRUNKS & CASH BOIRS or publication of any meditious book, litera historical and political nature."
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