. uch * Priclora Pidelples of Leather of crude tanning materials over wide ASOKA AND THE BARABAR fetare sron, London and moderucta about the principal tannerier is becom
HILLS. Anbiloan whning (Jacken PuWishing ing a very grave matter. The orgation of
A rocant visit to Gaya gane m an Chicago, an to be hed that furnish a fresh supyn in such tinct involves com- opportunity of Oxamining the o r de wl the information requinite to not only plicatul quotions of forest practice and
Dairy serion of caves, which are to be wtart factory but onoduct it on scien- of laul tenure, and even if plieno were
of lant tenure, and even if aliano were found in the Barabar and Nagarjuni hilla clinar Thorst step is to grind the overcome the prolilean would remain un
At distance of mixteen milne from the raw materials lo that the tanning they onn lved neeing that the label, for instance,
head-quarters of the Chaya Diatrick min muy be easily extracted. For this must have from eight to len year'growth
These caves hewn out of the harlent and purpon A grinding hill is required everal before it becomes tu cut for lurk
mont close krrinel granito rock, polishol ferieties of which are on the market at it is imposible to move a large tannery and finished in the most marvalinus price far from exorbitant. In the case of in pursuit of retiring Lark, supply and it
manner, would be interesting in them. divi-divi and algarobitla tho tanning is so in imponible to carry Crk protitably over very loosely continued that no grinding more than a certain distance. But the banced by the fact that wix of the noven .. wired. On the other hand myuntil I plant required for the manufacture of caves contain inneriptions which can.
and ruinons burk owing to their extract is not so elaborata but that it in without doubt be referred to the period umbined hard and toughnen, re practicable to reinove it from region between the year 200 and 910 R. (.
uliowpecial treatment they tend to that has been donuded of materialul "Three of these inscriptions belong to the ce an ordinary grindiug mill. For thene roinstall it in the centre of fresh Emperor Anoka and the rentaining the
"Disintegrator hm bigou invented and supply. This procedure is followed in this grand non w aths. does it work thoroughlya Agrin several
nk thoroughlya Amin several other countries The extract reprenental The group of rocky hills containing Linda of disintegratore are on the market only & IL' proportion of the material these cavolo Vory con pionious objeet and my be readily oblainel at price An sving in her freights would be the cast as one approachee Gaya by the what is strictly within the means of the made in rompect of exporta A AViNg in railway from Haukipur. They are met average capitalist. . . railway froiglit would be made buth on
easily accessible from Bela railway Those named are the principal grinding experts and the substance required by Intation. Hello only thirteen miley by machines wed, but an oil or other engine | Indian tannerier. Viewol from the rail from (ny and the intunerion would be required to drive them at a print the proposition would appear to be
Bela to Kanwa Dal, the neatent and Nort fast M 2,000 0110 that might well commend the h u mpicuoue bill, in little wire than for revolutions per zuinute) to obuin the one of the large tanneries that live been wiles Two tule further on, lie, the les results with refractoty raw mate filling the pinch in rupert of bark and
Barnar hills which contain the three rint. But the engine hore power for which might find it to their advantage
Asoku cnVOX, while the Nagarjuni hill, thi-elve of work would not be exce to combine expert trade with the pro
coutaining the three maratha caver, is . ively high and engines of the type duction of much extraen an they required
nearly two miles are to the GN. for their own use. In such a businen it required are www cheaply obtainable.
is often well to have two bring to the long neramble uver mlippery rocks The raw materials having been reduced bow. ladinu Traile Journal."
has to be accomplished before the wint to certain stat) of tineness the next
of the caves is reached. All of the even tep in to remove the landing by soaking
with the exception of the Gopik yave the material in water. This process in
Te so nitusted that much time would be rullel Laching and there are many
taken up in finding them without the inexpensive devices obtainable for haaten
help of guide. The Kartu Chupar av
FOR ing it Extraction completed the next
which in first reached in one of uwnmake FOOTBALLS.
the muere in tu nuventrate, by evaporation
least interesting of the series 4 it can Iwon obtainedffrom the loching at Agents wanted everywhero.
Niste of only one rectangular mom with to the wyrapy consistency of liquid ex
Lists free on applicntiun. a vaulted ruf, and the inscription ou laido 1.4 or to wild extract, it much be
the cave has been greatly damagou that desired.. This proces in carried out in
it is not 1, Chowringhes CALCUTTA.
able to roul more than en spparatus known in the trade as an
few words. It begins with the 'Evaporator and demanda cortaia
Piywani, which Asoka tined to designato
AN ISPIAS BOARD OY amount of skill to ensure suniform extract
bimself in all his rock and pullariner It is not improbable that the tunipg ACGOUNTANTS & AUDITORS.
tions ind refers to the twentieth year of industry in India rould in it-elf furnish
his reign. The second cave, known as
B: MUKERJEE & Co. the back bone of the business to be done
the Sudaws or Nikolia cave, ie much more by a manufacturer of extracts in this Diplomad Accountants & Auditors
interesting an it in the guy vua tunsist (London)
ing of two rows, which brve licenc country, and that the offer of such extraets
pletely plinlaod. Katering through the
08, Clive Street, Cilentle low rates would give a new stimulun
LARANTEK PONPT AND NATISFACTURY dour way recens in finguinud. to leather maklag and so create a still fur
angular room laryop and other than the
WORK AT Moderate Fees. ther demand for the extract. It is well
single room, of tlag Ken4: Choir raie. known that the exhaustion of the supply
It act dimensiun reundled by Cunningham, ' funt will bevt. ** with height oli teel role rechy * further we offert Lewa .!
WINTER GOODS. Shawls (referente daiyne) Il 1019 each. Alwaasi to 10 l Ila +-19. Flugeld, vertel were ute of all prices tu might
Compare our prich Please call at or write with particulars told Liberal disoount to Linds Kabiraj-JOTINDRA NATH GUPTA KABIRATNX SWADESHI WEAVING..!..
5 silver Medals