the position occupied by is previous they were well a nd of this truth martyr, when they failed to this : 19059 It is forc ible and preached the gospel of inde country they O oorraptor med justification of represni- pandence kpowing that it W A perturber of youth, enemics of pre un and call to Government and gospel of violence and physical grow and their country. Menili people to crush the lovers und press conflict with the Government. W. canoy, euphonioualy named Com chorn of independence. The time at grin quote the words or the report- operation, can bring about colonial which it comes lends it incalculable ed speech. "Some of their solf-government in India although Niemificance. The Morlogan policy of friends were in the habit there is no procedent in history, crushing the new spirit and rally of saying that their plan but plusive resistence, although ing the Moderator has now received was to achieve independence by when most imperfetly applied and publicly the imprimatur of the lewd merely peaceful' earia, by & general
hampered by terrorim. from above ing Moderate of western India and resort to passive persistence. The and below, it gave the mood of free that which was upuncted by some, sponker folt bound to say that such institutions in prophesied by others at the time of talk was ridiculous nonsense and about independence in India oven the Surat Congrong, the alliance UNIH It mere clouk tused by the MAVIM if it be applied thoroughly and of Bombay Moslemtia with official these men to reve their own skins" | cotabined with sou-belp. Onun Jorn ngrint the new Nationalism, an In other words we are charged with there is no procedent in history. alliance prepared by the Surat ritt- having cunteinplated violence such As has often been pointed out by ing, cemented by subacquent events, as we all see, vie., the murders in Nationalist writers, both mendicarey confirmed by the Madrn Conven- London and the assinations in and self-help plus passive roistano tion, is now uninasked and publicly Bengal, as inevitable effects of our are new methods in history, both ratifiel
propaganda, and physical conflict are therefore experimentw; but while The most dious part of the Poona with the Government, in other mendicanoy is an isolated experiment Nprooh is that in which Mr. Gokhale Worls rebellion, as the only possiblo which has been fully tried, failed! justifice Clovernment repression and means of achieving independence.
means of achieving independence. thoroughly and fallen into discredit: attenpts to establish by argumont We are charged with preaching
self-help and passive resistance are what Mr. Norhon failed to establish this gospel of violence loy ovidence, the theory that Nation- And rebellion while
methods to which modern publicly
nations Alin and Terrorisin are essentially professing 'passive resistance, with
are more and more turning, to and under the cloak of passive the sole mutive of cowardice anxiety
but thoy have boon as yet triol only resistancu. Nationalist is a conspiracy for our personal safety. The nous
slightly and locally. It must bu to wago wnr against the King. This tion is emphatio, wweup
udmitted that in India, so triod, their propowition ho seeks to establish by ing, and allows of no exception. All
only roult so far has been the Morley impliention with shutakill of the clubu the men of the Nationalist party
reforms. But was it not Mr. Gokhald tor for which he is justly famous. revored by the pe, le are included
who to defend mendicancy dolareit By taking the London murders in the anathenia, branded as lunaticu
that the book of history was not the subject matter for the exordiura and cowards, and the quntry is cail
closed and why should not a new of a peuch dirooted against the od upon to denounce thomas
chapter be written ? But the book, in forward party he introduces the corruptors and perturbers of youth
only open to the sacred hansis of the element of projudice from the very and the enemies of progress uud the
Bombay Moderato; to the Nationtvutat. After reviewing past poli- best interests of the people.
list it seems to be clusod. But accord tical activitius ho takes up the clue Mr Gokhale stupu whort of finding
ing to Mr. Gokhale we ought in any ho had thus skilfully thrown down fault with European countrius for being
crise to acquiose bocause England has and pursue it. In his view, the free and clinging to their frondom.
not done so badly in India as she idenl of independence was the He is good enough not to uphold
might havo done. His Argument is beginning of all evil. The idual of subjection as the best thing possible
kin to the Anglo-Indian logic which indupindunco is an inside idual; for a nation, and we must be
calla open to be contented and loyal the men who holl it even as an grateful to him for stopping short
boeuse England is not Russia and ultimate goal, Tink, Chidambegarn of the gospel of the bryllnin'
repression here is never no savage Аяwini Kar, Manoranjan, Bepin- 1 whose abusive style he has borrowed
w repression there; as if serf weru chandin, Aurobindo, are madmin But man in progressive and it may
asked to be contented with nerfdom outside thu lunatic wylum. Not be that Mr. Gokhale before be finibos
becatige his mater is kind or else only is it an insane idul, it is a his prosperous career, will reach the
his whip does not lacerata Mo quiusinulidual. "It should be plain Hard Street boutitudos. At prwont
fiercely as the other master's next to the weakest undurstanding that he adopts the philosophy of his
door. Mr. Gokhale cunot be touundo the wlou of independence ally and teacher, Lord Morley, and
ignorant that our ideal of indepuu the Government could adopt only wraps himself in the Canadian tur!
dence has nothing to do with that ofcunt. The love of independence the badness or goodness of storn and relentnless may be a virtue in Europe, it is
the prsent Government in its owy reprerion for those ideas were crime and luncy in Indian kind. We object to the procent, bound to loud to violonce and a quiescence in subjection is weaknee
system bucause it in a bupaucracy,
? matter of fact they had, as they and unmanlines in non-Indians
alwayw the meet: narrow and unpro could all sce, resulted in violence." in this favoured country it is the
grasgive kind of Goverenment be Farther, in order to leave no loop only path to salvation.
cause it is compound. alajes
In the bule of wapo for his political oppo- west the apostles of liberty 'have
De Inchinbey and subjot to alien Dets, he proceed to
to mert that been prophets when they succeed, 1 sert that been propbeteshen they
control, aod most intially because