In the print uial of Ial Chaod and Alueeting of the D. A. V. College A LAUT ZANINDAN'S (sk.
Kinhen Singh, accused Kilod a list of de Moniux Committee held A IMOCA O AMont' telegraph that
on 1 in the daonity calu which remati.
fence with from outside the Punjah. ianuary 'it ww resolve that in cu Anandarmee luudhuri, Andy un- The Cuvernment Advocate, Mr. Petuan tinuation of the rewoluti, dated lith 1...lar char n under of p , in
ulijouted to wore of the questions written cluding plemlery, with
Novenilor, 1904, uporiding Phai l'ur breaking at ler , vulling her and carry.
out by the secrel for examination of alumnandis, IN Arrvices Le dispone DE Rway uver Inkl worth of juwellery witness Who we to be examined by with a criminal pruecutiua wide a cash, the Deputy M intrate l ennukinn. (kun el objected to ques. moetion 110 (F) il numaan kuinnt live of the me
P. cbus institutet bus refined proces against the tioun 9 and 11 put tn Dr. Rabbehari gainst lia. pleados
Gill. He said, individual opinion eould it be relevant. There are Moderater
Estremists and men of all nects in this His Excellenvy the Guvernor of Bom
Profesor Road Here writes to the wuntry. The tout truck out the press suppring Sir H. Riley'n pusat Iry arrived at Rijkot at 5p.m. and will question and the wording of question
tion, that the new Council woull be ivut by the Agent to the Cloverton
11 Wan change counsel objected to utilined for generalining in he calls it, w intneel thin chief of the Province. question 13 pnt to Mr. (tokhale audit
the Imporel Antimalarial measures He High , the Jain of Janinagar wasi ulterel outwel alvo uljertrd tu
through out India. He says he has bee.. p lan ...roti on lehull of the Princes
the antion whout opinion of Nir (i,
inked by Sir I. Riley call ure an Chiots of Kathiwr expruning Clarke but the "Mervants of India So
attention to the pral Aud quotes their datastalion and abhorrence of the city Library." This was allowed after lengthily from the ser red by the turbul l itia which led to the averlo alteration
Home Metular of Council at the Simle wttempt on the Vicerny's lifu nt Ahu Sheik Chulani Kudir Fanbiexhunine w ference. 1. in the foul erine At Nasik Anlly the Artur lal chaud, said that he stated that the inforting of distretina translate the Mysteries of the art of
Tur DKITATIN. huud beeu kept out of Kithidwar Pruviure. Laudon" into Vida and mold the time
The master of Elibank, in ble per al 114 Resellency in the course of his reply alation for Wix 7 year'. In 1820 he
Wallyful in Midlothinn, replying tu Huil: The difficulties and rep ibili. Was warned by the Lal Guverntneut
question with regarl to the Indian ile tro r umeni do not tend w imi.
thrugh the Deputy Commissioner, mich an Ith ruceat foul crims which
Mutation, said he nocepted full Shiulut and all the copies of the book
sibility for the action of the Indian and I deplore, might well distruge hned were coulcatel He als aluit
Ciovernment in exceptional cireum ali wburu duvoting their lives in piLed that about two year ago Naryan
Lout he could not add to the watement rt of truе пушисhy oronoting the DAH, another publisher, who translate
mwle in the House of
C Urun well-being of the people of
onini Ilindman's wel v urdered to take
cliention of the (tuverument. Isti. . aulnorozur.I them in thin
The subject uver all you to fint.
was enging the contineretul light while we kruly feel the dis. KW
tention of Lad Morley, who wa h t up our Tu CASE AGAINST LALCHAND.
une natewa. Presidency by the tour der, by enamita
At the hain of the che against Lal the b arce, wushu y truly it out
.(hol for publiwling 1 rok "Guvern- IIKVOLVER AND CARTIENEY FOL NO. larutant alliant in the di went were the used stated he did
In connection with the murder of M. ringaar die huviu that we
but wish to co-examine the fiuvern Jukop nt Nawik it might be revenub. heyatha support of evury tran tan fra moont Translater, ir did he like to put
el that thought the strewted in Bom pia to posant in their cuntry. Sudiin any trafens. 11prayed the Court
Inyen v
anpirion of being implicated in ia tha forca o pravi lastred bu destroy all copies of the Look br had
the conspiracy fur luurder is volle (lautus 1 likely to reach the use of the published and discharge him after le
lbuj Juverbhai, Ameen t'nttudar pawple in Kithi war. In itinther forin, hal lumii. The court recorded the New
Nuuu wlw we rrud in his le thus of wekia tu underminu all lawful statement of the keusel.
the furt few days ago. Impr. authority it inty kala way into this
Xinji of the criminal Investi! province if it cant be choked in time
Department, under und Should this be, the l'ri and Chiefa LALA LUTIT RAL
from Mr. of Kithis war will know how to deal! Lals laaja Rai bus resigned bin Suidler who is in chungr, of investigation with is al will
went to Viral town in the Taluka, in the past show their memberip in the I). A. . (line
h: native of Chintuluj, und Jevatel
Managing Ommittee in the Autarung xly to the thwae of Ilia MX
watched lain lain when one Automat Sabha of the Arya Namaj and in the jesty the King Emperor and to British power with which
volver of Browning pattern ad 1 Ar apotatinilbi Sabel you juntly way your
of Arya Samaj
1 and all his resignations buvo been uw were found concealed Cities Ang lastingly intertwined and
the rives of the need.
of. They were brie. under the guardianship of which your
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