OMIOUS MEETINGS ADT. (9) It In extended to the whole of may, at any time, by order in writing of WOLLOWING APPEAR IN THX British India but sball oaly have op which public nouce hall forth with be INDIA GAZETTE
arntion S uob provinore An the Gov. I givon to prohibit any public meeting in In purwance of pection I sub section ernor-General in Council may, from time
proclaimed aren it in his opinion, much (9) of the Prevention of Seditious to time, notify in the fia:elle of India.
meeting is likely to promote adition or Meetings Act (VI of 1007), the Govern
1 2. (1) The Local (hwernment may by die feetinn or these dintnrhance of or General in Council plessed to botify
notification in the official licetta, declare the public tranqnility. that the said Act shall have operation
tbe whole or any part of Provinor, & (1) Any person concerned in the
in which this Art, is for the time being in--
promotion or ennduel of public meeting The Presidency of Madras
in operation, to Un l imnd are held in a proclaimel nres, contrary to the The Presidency of Baru bay,
(2) A notification wade uuder nubThe Province of Beugel,
provision of section 4. shall le papinher! Province of Agrs and section (1) ball not remain in force for with imprimionment for term which (udh, more than six montbr: but nothing in
may extend to six months or with ne, or the Province of the Punjah,
this sub-section hall be deemed to The Central Province
with both In exercise of the power conferred i prevent the Local Government from
(!) Any meeting which las been proby wortion I, nub-section () of the Cri. making further notifications in respect
hibited under section shall be denied minal Law Amendment Act (XIV of of the Haro Area frun time to time * it may think hit.
to be an unlawful Asembly within the 1:06), the Governor General in ('ouncil
3. (1) In this Act the expresion
meaning of Chapter 8 of the Indian Penal in pleased to extend the whole of the
'nde and of (hapter 9 of the Code of "public meeting" menna meeting wid Act to the Prenidenry of Madra,
Criminal Procedure 1898. which is open to the public or any clou the t'nited Provinces of Agia And Ondh.
7. Whoever in a proclailued aren, in or portion of the public and at which ile Punjah, and the Central Provinces
publie place, or a place of public resort, In exercise of the powers conferred any subject likely to CAUNO disturbance
otherwise than at A public meeting helt or ill feeling or any political subject is ly the Indian (Foreign Jurisdiction)
in accordance with or exempted from, the discuwed by one or more of those preOnder in council, 1902, the Ciovernor
provinion of section 4, without the perGeneral in Council is pleased to apply seat or any writing or printed matter
minion in writing of the Magintrate of relating to any such subject is exhibited wortions 1 to 7 of the Prevention of
the Dintrict or of the Commissioner of or distributed; Neditious Meetings Actu 10T (VI of
(?) A meeting may be public ineet.
Police, u the cree inay be previously ob1907) to Berar, and to declare that the
ing unt with tanding that it is held in tained, deliver any lecture, address or wid sections of the saill Act wall lave
private place and notwithstanding porch on any subject, likely to CRUS operation throughout Berar. that aduision thereth many have been
disturbance or ill-feeling or on any poliProvided that for the purpose of fa
tical subject to persons then present, tay retricted by ticket or otherwise. ilitating the application of the provininn AINDA (3) A meeting of more than twenty
be arrested without warrant and shall be of the mid Act, any court having persons whall be presumed to be pub
puninhed with imprinopuient for tortu jarindiction within Berar niay construe
which may extend to six months or with tie meeting within the meaning of this ther with such alteration not affecting
Ano ar with both. Act until the contrary is proved. the substance AM may be necessary 4. (1) No publie meeting for the
A. (1) The regulation of the Meetings ir proper to adapt them to the nuatter furtherance or dimunion of any subject
Ordinance 1907 is hereby eperneded. Lefore the Court.. likely to cause disturbance or public
(8) Nothing contained in this Act. In exercise of the powers conferred excitement or of any political subject
shall affect the previoue operation of the by the Indian (Foreign Juridiction or for the exhibition or distribution of
wid Ordinance or anything duly done or Ordier in Council 1908 the Governor
suffered thereundor or any obligation : Any writing or printed matter reteneral in Council in pleaned to apply
liabilities incurred under the wait (di Inting to any such subject shall be the criminal law Amandment Act held in any proclaimed area (Ordinance
hance or any punishment incurred in my 1909 (XIV of 1908 to Rerur, and declare of No 1, 1307.)
pect of any offence ennimitted against tk that the mid Act whall have operation (a) Unlemn written notice of the in- wid Ordinance, or any investigation throughont Berar.
tention to hold such meeting and of legal proceeding may be instituted ..
the time and Provided that all references to the
continued and any auch punishment may place of such meeting
be imposed an is the mid Ordinance had "Local Government" and to the "High has been given to the District Nuper
intendent of police or the Commisioner Court" in the mid Aet shall be con
not beun Ruperseded or had not expired frued as referring to the Chiel Com of Police, ma the case may be, at least minntuner and the Court of the Judicial seven daye pruvourly, or. Commissioner of the Central Provinces (6) Unless perminion to hold fuel Inspectively,
ruroting has been obtained in writting
from the Dintrict Superintendent of ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA THE TEXT, l'olice or the Commissioner of Police
Founders of Steel Trunk Industry Where it is expedient to make an the MMO may he. hetter provinion for the prevention of (2) Any officer of Police not below
in India meetings likely to promote sedition or the rank of AD Inspector mny by order
ESTABLISHED IN 1 to CAUR deturbance of the public in writing depute one or more police
Dont Machine made, Stove painted. tranquillity, it is bereby enacted w officon or other perona to attend any follows:--
Auch meeting for the purpose of rauring STEEL TRUNES & CASH BOXES. 1. (1) Thin Ant may bn called the Import to be taken of the proceedinga. Prevention of Beditious Montings Act 5. The District Magintrate or the
Comuni winner of Police as the case may be 11, Maniktola Street, (Rambagan.) THE CALCUTTA HOMEPATHIC PHARMACY.
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