the perpetually moving anture of Interpreter ? Mawin, myar Ho w Doetien phenoinenin cnti only be understood anity.
... whieka but she rohfetichette and nationally interpreted on the
Every law being intorproted and of qur fasth in me nole: God, and! hypothesis of some far-off end to- verified by its subjack, we believe one sole aim,-*, the only means words which they are moving
in Humanity,--the collective Being we poses of roplising the truth; ak Mazzini recognizow this end, and his that wujns up, and comprehends the the method of progress; the path conception of Humanity, as the ascending series of organic creations, leading towarde perfection: The progressive interpreter of the Law
he Lawtho inust perfett manifestation of highest possible degree of human nnd its nocommary end, is based the thought of God upon our globe progress will correspond to the disdirectly upon this recognition. --as the sole interpreter of the law."
covery and application of the vasAs every Inw assumes an ein And like every other interpreter test pomible formula of mointion to be ronched, we believe in the of laws, whether they be' Popes And in what we would call the progressive development of the interpreting the law of religion to
universal federation of humanity. facultic and forces--faculties in Catholicism, or the Judiciary in
but what. Mazzini auled the Holy setion--of all living things towards our civilisation which interpret the Alliance of Peopler, he discovered that unknown nim. Were this
civil Code in different countries, this highest fortou la of waistinn; not an, the Inw wonld be selesa, Humanity is also progressive in. and from this he deduced his creud And existerice unintelligible."
terpreter of the eternal Law of the of nationality. We believe, he de But is this niin really unknown?
universe. And Marrioi distinctly clared There can ho no rational assump
indicated the progressive character "io tbe Holy. Alliance of Puoplex tion of that which is almulutely un
of this interpretation. This was to ne being the vastest formuls of known. Of the unknown you can.
hin, the key of human progress and ciation possiblo in our epub; - not any that it in, yon cannot any development.
in the liberty and quality of the hat it is not. To way that the aim
We believe that harmony between peoples without which no true. which tho Inw shumer, is absolutely
the subject and the law being the Ascintion can exist;-- in nationali. unknown, is to make over the
condition of all normal exintence, ty which is the comience or the governance of the universe to the
the known And inmedinte object of peoples, and which hy nawiguing to handle of blind Fnte, in which, then,
all endeavour in the establishment then their part in the work of .482man with all his intelligence and
of this harmony in over-ipcreasing ciation, their mission upon earth, conMience, can have pribly no
completenem and security, through that is to say, their individuality; conscious and intional participation.
the gindurl Jincovery and compre without which neither liberty na The nim being ahvolutely unknown,
pension of the law and identifiontin equality are posible;--in the sacred the value of the law.which seeks of its subject with it.
Futherland, the cradle of nationali that aim would also be absolutely
But Gud, law, and even Hama.
ty; altar apr workshop of the in undetermined, and as such it would
dividuals of which each pepple is nity, were not really lemon of the have no rational ethicnl claim
which Dewithesis whicha Mazzini triod
in tried composed. As liberty and equality npop our wlleginnee. This num in
to work wit. These are all, ia nome are the fondamental principles o therefore, really not unknown, but
else or other, what he would per association, in the Holy Alliance of only partially d progressively
hapa call the tortus of the anterior Peoples, so they are also in the known; and to the extent it in
syuthenis." Thu Apuoihically new knuwn, it commands rational and
secondary Association of individuals willing neceptance.
composing the different peoples, The fact really
term of his own nynthonis was amo ciation. It was by this that he
"As we believe in the liberty is that this "nim" is not absolutely unkowe, but only progressively
sopraund hinwelf from the "epoch and equality of the peopler, so do
of excinsive individuality." It wne we believe in the liberty recosled in the course of ouemic evolution.
equality of the men and he must And, though Mazzini
in thin that he found is now basis
to the principle of universal suff. 1 have meant of the woruen also of here sponke of an unknown Aim," it is only the progresive character
rage;" and war, thus, able to elevate every people, and in the inviolabi.
the political question to the height lity of the human Eyo, which is ofita revelation which he thorns to Indicats by the term unknown.
of a philosophical conception." the conscience of the individual Aud a law shoh u this, continually
Upon this, bually, he båned his and assigns to him hin part in the renching out to #
secondary Association; his function progresively
whole philosophy of Nationalism. revealed in, deinands, necosunrily.
In this doelaration of faith, from in the ration, his special mission which I have been quoting, he
of citizetuhip an ever-present and progresive
within the sphere
of the Fatherland. interpreter. Who is to be this į srid:
And as we believe in Humanity as the sole interpreter of the law of God, wo do wa buliwe in the people
of every state us the soki master, 4 DALHOUSIE SQUARE EAST, CALCUTTA. solo sovereign, and role interpreter. . . ESTALBISHED 1887.
of the law of Warrenity, which
governs , every. Halinnal miwion: THE PREMIER HOMEOPATHIC | We believe in the peoples que Andy:
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groleturiut por aristocracy, whether