word of the man who has mid to or roughly pren it foale po permanently changed by hte lotion hin, Sleep" It is sometimes sop This law is created by the mind of one mind bipon another. The test www.d' that it is the muperior will, which mociato pain with theme will be ostablished in time by the of the hypnotist which overcomes contacta, and if the mind change development of hypnotia. the will of the other and makes ita dharma and is able to senciate the difference between Yoga and it mave. There are two strong with these contacta not pain but hypnotison is that what hypnotism djecting to this view. It does insensibility or pleasure, then they does for a man through the agency tot a r to be true that it is the will bring about those results of of another and in the sleeping state, Wak wol districted will that in inconsibility or pleare and no Yoga does for him by his own agentwint wily hypnotinod; on the other. The pain and pleasure Are oy and in the waking state. The witry the strong concentmted not the fruit of the contact, neither hypnotic sleep is neccatary in order
und formun ngal subject. Seconil. is their sent in the body': 'they are to prevent the activity of the subis if it were the operntor'n will the result of association and their liect's mind full of old ideas and Babocis vising the will of the unbject, then Reat is in the mind. Vinegar iation, frozo interfering with the oper. the mantu produced must be such pour, ungar sweet, but to the hypno- ator. In the waking state he would w the latter could himself bringtisce mind vinerer can be sweet
tisert mind vinegar can be sweet, naturally refuse to experionce sweet: abot, since the capacities of the in- sugar Rotir. The sonmoss or sweet- nean in vinegar or sourbess in sugnt
Irurent can not be exceeded by nch in not in the vinegar or sugar, or to believe that he can change 1 bewer working through the instru- but in the mind. The heart alon is from disorse to health, onwardice to
t. Exen if we suppose that the the subject of the mind. My emo- heroism by 4 mere act of frith; hi m uling will bring with it it own tions are like my physical feelings, established associations would rebel
er will the results produced must the rowult of Association, and my violently and successfully against such not exceed the sum of its pacity character is the result of accumula- oontradictions of universal oxperience. plus the capacity of the instrument. ted prst experiences with their
The force which transcends matter If they commonly do , we must reenltant resociations and reactions
wonld be hampered by the obstrucNuppone that it is neither the will crystallizing into habits of mind and
tion of ignorance and attachment to of the oporntor nor the will of the heart summed up in the wort,charac
universal error. The hypnotic sleep Nidhject nor the sum of these two rotor. These things like all the does not make the mind a tabula wille that is notive, but some other rest that are made of the stuff of
rusa but it tenders it possive to wild more potent force. This innesociations are not permanent or
everything but the touch of the i wcisely what we nee in hypnotic binding but Auid and mutable.
operator. Yoga Rimilarly teaches prrformance. 195.22. Anitych narvasanakarch. If my passivity of the mind so that the
What in this foron that enables friend blaides mo, I am grioved; will may act unhempered by the er compeln wenk man to become that is an association and not bind- sanakaras or old asociations. It is No rigid that strong arins cannot ing. The grief is not the result of those sanskaras, the habits forned wad him? that reversos the opera- the blaree but of an Association in by experience in the body, heart or -tion of the new and abrogutes the mind. I can change the wasocia
mind, that'form the laws of our pwy. in ? that changes the Axod char. tion so far that blame will cause me chology. The associations of the ortor of nun in the shortest no grief, praine no elntion. I can mind are the stuff of which our life of perioda ? that is able to develop entirely stop the reactions of joy and is made. They are more persistent wwer where there was no power, grief by the same force that created in the body than in the toind and twal ntrength where there was them. They are habits of the mind, therefore harder to alter. They are Waknean, halth where there was nothing more. In the samo way more persistent in the race than in chima ? that in its higher mani. though with more difficulty I can the individual : the conquest of
tations can exceed the barriers of stop the reactions of physical pain the body and mind by the individual ploe and time and produce that far- and ploure 'so that nothing will is comparatively easy and can be Might, far-hearing and far-thinking hurt my body. If I am a coward done in the space of a single life, but which shown mind to bo an untram- today, I can be a hero toraorrow.
the same conquest by the race invoellel ngont or molium pervading The cowardice was merely the habit les the development of ages, It is the world and not limited to the of associatiug certain things with conceivable, however, that the prac wwy which it informs or seems to pain and griefand of shrinking from tice of Yoga by A great number or intorni. The European scientist the pain and grief;this shrinking and men and persistence in the practice
wriinenting with hypnotism the physical sensations in the vital by their descendants might bring
handling forces which he cannot or nervous man which accompany about profound changes in human understand, stumbling on truths of it are called fear, and they can be
peychology and, by stamping these which he cannot give a true nccount dismissed by the action of the mind
changes into body and brain through His frutaro faltering on the thresh- which created them. All these are
heredity, evolve a superior race old of Yngr. It is held by soine propositions which European Science
which would endure and by the law thinkers, and not unreasonably it is even now unwilling to admit, of the survival of the Attest elimiwe consider themy phennon, that yet it is being proved more wod
nista'the weaker kinds of humanity. twind is all and contains all. It is more by the phenomena of Just M the radimentary mind of the not the body which determines the hypnotisin that these effects can be animal has been evolved into the onerations of the mind, it is the temporarily as lenet prodaced by one
fine instrument of the human being mind which determines the laws of
so the rudimenta of higher force and
an upon another; and it how it faculty in the present the tright the body. It is the ordinary law of even been proved that disons can volve into the perfect budhi of the the body that if it is struck, pierced be permanently gured or barneter. Yogin'