milil the reaction after' Lord Ri- ' leads to the genesis of great rorola- must be remembered, but to pop's regime culininated in the vice- tionary movementa, injured the agitation, without way Organisati royalty of Lord Curson? Dissatis- Goverament, endangers public or activity of the Nationalist party, fiction is not creatod by public, peace and order, and helps nobody. by the mere operation of lay criticism, it is created by the ad- This method does not even postpone of Nature. The wpiration, howcrne facts on which public criti- the necexsity of A Holution, it has
ever created, is there and it is h. cinin fantens, and it crystallinen tens it by intensifying the problem tire mounting out of the bowels ither in public criticism or in to breaking-point. Yet this was the
the earth, which no man'n hand can secret discontent. The public cre- policy of Lord Curzon. He not extinguish. The political leaders ticiam creates public agitation, the only permitted the expression of know that they cannot quench it,
if they would ; the Gorerament Necret dincontent creatos nocret public discontent, but he fostered
thinks it can. And the method conspirnoy. Both are born of the it by Arguing with and trying to it seems to favo
it seems to favour, if the extenMitme circumstances, but the lines persuade is; yet he invariably tram- vion of the Seditious Meetings Act of development are entirely different, pled on the thing he periitted. It is
and the prosecutions of papers and
publications or their leaders all nor in there inuch sympathy be statesinanship of this kind which
over India are any sign, is to silencetween them. The public agitatior ruins empires and destroy great public criticism." drerit the secret
If our view of the question is conspirator nation. There is another kind
right, it is evident that to the accret conspirator despises
paralyse of policy, and that is to play with
public agitation is to foster Terrethe public agitator, even when the monstor of discontent, to chide rikin, and we can only suppose that they are moving towards the same it, whip it and yet throw it sops Government think Terrorism easier ond. The man most dotosted and while taking advantage of the mon
to deal with than public agitation.
This seems to us a grievious error. denon need by the Indian revolu- ster's preoccupation with the sop to If experience shows anything, it is tionary organisations now Active wind the chain round its neck tigh- that Terrorism is never extinin Peris, Geneva and Berlin, ter and tighter. This is also guished except by the removal of
its causes. 1 Sj Bepin Chandra Pal, the pro- bad policy. The whip enrages,
The difference between
Terrorism and open mebellion is phct and first preacher of passive the op does not soothe that open rebellion often effects its resistance. Yet the object of both but irritates, the tightening of the
object, but can easily be crushed, is almost identical, the Nationalist chain only shortens the distance
while Terrorism does not effect its
object, but cannot be orusbed. The agitator insisting on perfect auto- between the tamor and the brute;
only thing that Terrorism can do is imy, the revolutionist on separa- for the difficulty is that, the tamer to compel Government to satisfy tion, both being merely different has to hold the chain, he cannot tie partially the more moderate deforts of independence. The ques- it to something else and get out of
mands of peaceful agitation as the
lesser of two evils, and this is a tion for the authorities is whether springing distanco.
result which the Terrorist looks on they will try to ignoro or silonce the Eventually, either discontent has with contempt. He is always ex. public criticism or remove the to be satisfied or silenced. It' it is
treine and fanatical and will not be
antisfied with any thing less than ULTING of dinsatisfaction. If thoy satisfied, the whole difficulty dis
immediate freedom gained by irnure without silencing public appears and perfectly amicable violence. He is confident of his criticism, the dissatisfaction grows relations are restored. That was result, he is passionately and inin voluine until it becomes the as- the policy pursued by England
tolerately attached to his method.
Irish Terrorism only disappeared piration for better forin of Chov. with regard to its colonies aftor the boonuse of the expectation of Home crnment. They must thon either severe lesson learned in America, Rule by the alliance with British satisfy that aspiration or silence with the result that the bond
Liberalism; Russian Torrorism is it, they can no longer ignore it
still kept alive by the impotence of betweon the colonies and Great Britain atill defies the efforts
the Duma; Anarchiam flourishes be
of This gune of ignoring the obvious
cange the Governments of Europe Time and Circumstance to loosen is like the first crude atteinpt of
have not found any way of cireumor snap them. But if discontent
venting it. Terrorism may perish Nationalism in India to ignore the is not to be satisfied, the question
of inanition : coercion 18 its food (lovernment, foredoomed to failure; thon for the ruler is whether he
and its fuel. prefer it to crystallize in public it only postponds and intensifies
The policy now being followed by agitation and peaceful but possibly Lord Minto's Government has tho problum, it does not get rid of effectivo resistance, or in secret
neither immediate justification hoc it. Yot this was the policy long conspiracy,terrorism and evontually
altimate wisdom. It is the old futile followed by the Indian Govern
hrined insurrection. It must be round which reluctant anthority
one of the two, for to expect an ment towards the Congress more
has always trod. when table immense impulso like the national to reconcile itself to inevitably moont. On the other hand, they impulse to link to rest without
concenion. It is a wateful ruinonay milence the public criticism being either crushed or satisfied, is
uous and futile proces. For if to expect impossible miracles. or trample on it. If they trainple
the Government were to declare The Anglo-Indian appeal to the on it, the aspiratiot bosomes dis- political leaders to be satisfied and
tomorrow that it would no longer ntution not
tolerate pablic opposition and de. necessarily to the
Case from agitation is a singularly Novereign, but to the form
port all the leaders of public and foolish and futile one. and ays
If the poli
peaceful. agitation in the country, tical leaders were to comply, even te of Chovernwent then obtain
it would only stimulate more for the mont popular and trusted of
midable and unecrupolour forges jug, with a cry for absoluta transfor them, they would cease to be lead
Apd sabutituta violent dangerination. This ww what happened on the next day. The dwindling
dling ous and Agonjzing, procen for one numbers that attend the Con. Which, eren 'if 8. et
little painful. vention public opinion without ailenaibg of 'this obvious fact ; that its expression is mere madawan; it diminution has been affected, it ! ..
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