for the remarlo pued by the
morality. His work was avowedly indeed self-convicted us seditious gee that Sk Anda #work of national regeneration and its very existenct a crime to be arrested in England and b ra In dealing with the theory of by punished by the law. The here to anawet to the out politica a bred on the Vedic reli- Governor of the Punjab is either police for the remarlas de gion he hnd naturally to include hinself an otticinl of this class or
Police Commision. The reasoning the truth that inderligence ed by muliners of that tou
perfectly fair. Ang strong eritithe true and normal fondi
. Under much circumstances
chain, especially, if it is persistent, mation und all lapne into subjection it is enough to issue once for all
lower the reputation of the want be a sin and degeneration, a strong and dignified repudiation
Government and creates in people temporary in its nature. No man of the charge and then proceed
& tendency to belittle, that is to can deny this grent truth. Free- calmly with the great work the say, hare a contempt for authority dom in the goal of humanity and Simon has undertaken, serenely
established by law. It is stil: Aryuinn was in its nature gompol strong and unperturbed in good
worse if the Government is accused of freedom, individual freedom, fortune or evil fortune, good report of injustice, say, in the matter of MCA freedom. intellectual free or evil report, couident in God's
the deportations or the Gulab Bano dom, freedom in all things, and the grace and the spiritual force coin
case; for that inevitably crentes uopumplishment of such an all-per-municated by the founder. This
hatred. Therefore strong criticism vuling liberation cannot come 14 the only course worthy of of the Government je bedition About withont bringing watigpal manly community profussing a The Amritu Bazar Patrict and freedom in it train. If to perceive probrat and virile religion. Anxious Punjabre strongly criticise the these truths of Vedian and of nature repetition of unheeded disclaimers Government. Therefore they are in to be political and seditious, Hoeins to us undignified and futile, seditious propers and their reukers tben Swami Daynanda's teaching What Is Sodltion?
seditious conspiratons. Every offi-* was political and seditious and the The question, what is sedition, cial is a member of the Government religion ho prenohed my be vne of those Chinese puzzles which
established by law; therefore to stigmatised in political and sedi- it seems impossible to solve, never
criticise strongly an official or tious. But if wedition be limited theless, presses for solution. In
policeman, still more, official or to its proper meaning, an attempt Nagpur it has beon etablished
policemen as a clase, is sedition. by illegal and viclent means to that to laugh at the holder of a
Christianity is the religion of the bring about the fall of the establish- Government title in nudition. In the
Governinent established by law; w ed authority or prepare by word Swaraj Care Justice Chapdavarkar
criticise Christianity is to bring or action lawless opposition and has declared it to be the law
Christians into contempt; the revolution, then there is no sedition that to condemn terrorism in strong
Government are Christians; therein the Swani's preaching or in the language and trace it to its source
fore to criticise Christianity is to belief and actions of the Arya-Sama), 18 sedition. At Patiala it is con- 1. bring the Government established by 'They use the perfectly legitimate tended that to read the Amrita
law into contempt. That is sedition. ineens of strengthening the nation Buzur Putriku and the Punjabee
Therefore to criticise Christianity al life at all puints and their ob
ull Widt ind their ob- is sedition. We are not quite sure is bedition. To my that repressiu national roguneration that at Patiala the prowcuting fusters Terrorism may be true, but
ctive and to religion, counsel did not hint that w bring it is veditions. To suggest Blitical revolution. Individual Christianity or Mahornedanism into Press censorship, seriously or ironinembors naay be Loyalists, Moder contempt or hatred is nedition.
cally, is to bring the administration ates Nationalists creo Terrorists, and we have these remarkable
of the law of th
of sedition into conbat a religious body is not respon Casos in the Punjab, where to
tempt, that is, to bring the adwible for the political opinions of translate Seeley's Expansion of
ministrators into contempt; and iw individual membors. The re- England or Mr. Bryan's opinion
the administrators are tho Governligious teaching of Swami Duyanan of British rule in India seems to
ment established by law. Thereda was inspired by pational inotihave a fair chance of being estab
fore Mr. Stead's Open Letter to VCB, not political; and the aims of lished as sedition. Mr. Stead's
Lord Morley is seditious. We are the Arya Surouj are national not Review of Reviews in now known
almost afraid to go on, lust, finally, political to be a seditious publication. We
we should end by proving that the The Arya Diselaliger. are not sure, either, that the In
Englishman itself is an intolerably The lowlors of the Arya Samaj din Duily News is not even
seditione rag,- for does it not try to have inued a ninilesto disclaiming worse, for it is continually trying to bring Sir Edward Baker and the the political motivu attributed to bring the police, who are an iudir
Government generally into conthem by the Couunul for the, Pro- pensable part of the Government es
tempt by intimating genially that secution in his exlriwrdinary open- tublished by law, into ontempt and
they are liars, idiota and good-foring eldrene at Patiala. But is hatred, and the incurrigible persie- nothing weaklegs, --in connection there any lise in these repeated dis- tence of its efforts is sufficient proof
with the Reforms and their uncInimera? To cortan type of of motive, if not of conspiracy. willingness to put the whole popuufficial anind, but in the minority Now one of the charges nainst a lation of India into prison? in this country, every movement,
Punjab accused » that he wrote Punjab noused is that he wrote
Would it not save trouble to probibudy.orgra of opinion or contre lira puguing the character of the sub- bit speech or writi:g in India of activity that makes for Dutional ordinate police service- just like wltogether? . strength, efficiency or manhood the Indian Daily News of Sir in by blint very lucy suspectul Andrew Frever. We woulul sur 1