OF National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
Vol. i.
Ist SHRABAN 1316.
No. 4.
EXTS AND OPINIONS. imposible. Neither space for for all manifend limf m An unequal fight. patience will allow of it.
eternal and universal law #ilha God and His Universe.
no other cuntction with the Our rowersy with the Bengoler
The Brugalce takes as its funda. This was the tide liv is like a c lint lv men denizens
mental pwition that Goli A taken by the T twitter mys Not only
im Noriul Inte, Eternal and l'hivernul in ill er when it ridiculed Sj. Aurub l eur contemporary the advantage
ment and not limited to any ihose's Uttarmura pech. Cele of prompt reply, but be his such
particular. Very true but a vagte not speak to men through their inn a giunt's gulp for formulis, such statement of alstrart truth like this
selves in Yoga or otherwise, there is a magnificent and victorious met
lewis now bere beyond itself. What of dealing with great fundamental
no way of communion between the Ir the concrete implications in this questions in few sentences, such
apel humanity, there is the new g adisntion Ciel is not only the g ero faculty for
action of His power or grow any cloudung
Absolute, Eternal al Universal in where. lle swaks to menu * delinite point with sounding his wan ner, lut Ile manifests in
through His laws, in other wel geralist that he leaves
the relative in Murticular. He is not wenk to than it all wak and asping for breath.
The Absolute is an awet of llim He does not het prally. Alerts However in cur own feble way
C ry for philophical complete through lin law in other we shall try to deal with the wal
ness; but if He were only falluto, lle dos et act at all. This points he has mis. Their part.
w then this phenomenal world woull This is an intelligible posit ce nunt be a ses for the
i t he only Mann, Culture and all bgth of our replyOne peut illi
contains the whole palmartell ution und illnes. Ile were
ween Science and Religion. See culty in our way is that our virtu
nly Eternal weinight regard this
dex of hus
моt аѕ уеt rеччинім ( prury fir the care world is numething not full of lim.
Taking it stand on the material irguunt chose to attribute totus
Lint a separate creation which may the hunt ruliculonus opinionborn out
series and logical argument from
ny tot be subject tollis immed L' his omni prolific brain and gener
external phenomenait d'inande prouf intention. It is bec : He is the before it will whit His existence, tacility in reading whatever le
''hism that the clarified vision shem into other ople's mil He
It sees plenty of proof of Shakti, See Him in every being and every Prakriti, of Nature; it Now thanks for instance, that by meing actisity. As the Alsolute He stands
of the Purusha or any root for His prial nuanile station of Divine Ixhind every relative, as the Etemal
existence. If Ile exins tull, it tutel Power and grace in a particular He supports every transient and
be as an imporonal Being innent ent we met to shut God out 1.4 TV the manner of the mim
in but different from Force and Enerinstall others. Thi, in a finir une
the Universal Ho it the "incunintencios" which the
uy and Himself inartive : but own
trets lliuself in every puttiBowmeler is always finding in his
of this there is no proof. Religion cular.
holds that God is not only personal own brain and projecting into ours The Scientific Position
but personal, not only Purusha but It we have to guard ourselves at
Still, there is the question, how very point ngainst such gratuitous
Prakriti, not only Being but Shakti der Herannfent Jlimself? There is a
He is all. For the proof of its p nipption, argament become
i schel which holds that Ho hay unce