KARAMYOCIN ........ . .. .. 11,
. melal, molal and political. I onnative as the enemy Woor rules and be -...- hitt e
viooed in that we truunt hvern India NEW
Added: "The Puial attitude hun baan, Por Phillinber of
more on Plintentary Imre and that the think, nont unfortunate to read the the Sahayak pandaignet, was arret.
day of Government by the "obiter dicta" educated Hindu mulition monger, al at Konur. The Editor is still at large.
of officiale in very nearly over. Hy when & Hatter of fact, they are only Babu Ganenbill, Elitnr of the
Storernment on parliamentary line, I applying w India the conditions and
mean that the toreranrs of provinces and "Akm Dolby hep begre brought to
ordinary niethods of English politica. ! labore unde pollo Stated the trial
the Viceroy inint explain to the (tovern. would hefur hetter to take thene men ini.
Anent at home what they are doing it, our contidence and terugie they are going Min. RAMBAY MACDONALD OX INDI.
and must submit to criticism. We have to havo #great deal to do with the Interviewed by the "Daily Chronicle" never been in the hallt of explaining Cuverdient of India in future. I am en wir in Londen Nr. Numray Mneanyibing to the people of Indin. We fully invite ad "Phivo prinarayi with
here simply said to them, Thin in the the atirngthening of our million in freling alnuort a conviction, that naman test thing for you we know ych don't
. . t the Council begin to work the un.
like it, but it munt Le done" and we dughted nonlice of the northeile of
went on rating in this art of way. Ono The LARON EXHIBITION election will be forgotten and things will
thing there must be more limouious NIH P. C. CHATTERJKK'A PROTXAT
relation betweeu the adminintentor and 1 Lord More
tbe meeting of the Exhibition, En very month and well ley, Mr. Marconhla cortinnel, hnen the House of Commons. Every to committee Sir P. C. Chatterjee mid that
he would be multifying himself if he www
native of India taken serious interent in wonderful influence in India, and it clatra from a time before the introduction
British politics and thin interest in what it me party to the present proceeding.
by the inarticulnte millions of tho popu. Posequently Mail office. It was of hiw reforma. The people believe in him. They may all the things he has done
Intion Although they may know more eventually agreed that Mr. Harkiuben which they coneider lund, auch n the than that there we two rival parties con
Lal be entrusted with the entire manage deportations--were donn because the
cerned in their dentinies. They have ext ent of the Exhibition and a Resolution officials overruleil hie better jualment,
perience the rule of both, and they know WA MAMed that he could overrule if I Iyut the good things were done bARUNA which makes for their greater good and deemed pirper the greinions of the Execu
tive Committee. Whether Sir Chatter. Lon
contuntinent. Everybody in India with Morley wanted to do justice to India. It is most extraordinary de
out exceptinn, even officials who are jern Wination Wa Meceptoil does not
Conservative by instinct and training, Appone. The Hinduo. inonstration of popular loyalty I have ver known.
want the Liberal Government to be roTouching on the wider problem of
ILIYAN OF AN EDITOR. turned to office again. They are all afraid British rulo Mr. Rampy Macdonaldof two things if the Torien como in. They Mr. N. C. Barbadienry, Editor and Prowail :- "I am quite convinced that we are frnid Lan urzon will be made prietor of the "Hindoo Patriot." In lying have got to stay in India because whnt in Secretary of State for Iudia and that serimusly ill at Bellaren. His wife and woud.at the present, woment in anome one of bin type will be sent out nn daughter their only child are attending on autority wiperini pad on the outiplicat. the next Vicery. Ho further observeel
bint. We wish him a spoely recovery. ad mution of Indliny wociety - prigion, it was weer fully to treat the w ented The Swadeshi Steam Navigation Com- ARTISTIC PHOTO & ENLARGEMENT, pany, ( Ltd ) TUTICORIN.:
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